Ahoy— Red Flag Laws – IOTW Report

Ahoy— Red Flag Laws

Should be called red fag– because-


I Voted for Ronald Reagan

21 Comments on Ahoy— Red Flag Laws

  1. This is Trump’s “thread the needle” decisive moment.

    My gut tells me he wants to push for some form of policy, be it enhanced background checks or Federal Red Flag legislation. Either way, he’s forced to do “something”.

  2. Red Flag Laws are either ruled unconstitutional or will become a method for taking power and using it to destroy Freedoms of speech, assembly, gun ownership and , frankly, the lives of Conservatives..

  3. Red flagging is one reason that I am relieved that I donated a dollar to Tom Steyer’s campaign. The other reason is that Steyer is the person I would most enjoy watching President Trump shred in a debate.

  4. For once, can we have a penalty spelled out for unfounded claims as well as an open process?
    Depriving someone of their Constitutionally guaranteed rights should require more than just an axe to grind.

  5. Nothing will happen before 2020. After 2020 we could have the House back and then there will be nothing to worry about.

    If a Red Flag law were to get passed it will be challenged all the way to the SCOTUS and, thank God for Trump, the 5 should be counted on protecting our rights.

    We need to craft our arguments so when we are at that dinner party when it comes up we can crush the idea by saying “so, you want to punish someone before they break the law? How very NSADP chic you are.” Or “can we red flag someone before they vote? Voting is a constitutional right if we can do it for owning a gun certainly we can do it before someone votes”

    Trump knows his job is to get re-elected our job is to keep playing the ground game.

  6. ^^^ Actually the two should go together. The mentally ill shouldn’t have guns and they shouldn’t be able to vote! Where’s yer voter card? Hmmm… can’t vote? Sorry, can’t have a gun.

  7. Was about to go out shopping and stopped to check here before leaving. Perhaps when I get back one of you could answer a question. I held a FFL for a number of years and turned it in with Clinton / Reno (scary times). Was there some form of new background check that was invented or developed after I turned in my license that verified someone’s mental health? Perhaps some way of checking honesty when filling out 4473’s? Maybe a lie detector substance on the paperwork that changed color when you falsified something?

    I’ll check back later and maybe one of you or Chet the Unicorn will have provided the answers…

    Add to shopping list:

  8. Trump has said any RFL must include Due Process.
    IN REALITY, the two are mutually exclusive.
    So, folks, stop your worrying for now.
    Head fakes (like giving Dems a chance to “fix” immigration laws) are just that.

  9. Anymouse, so it was you that started all this sh*t?
    Joking, just goes to show when doing the right thing is never enough for these anal orifices.
    Maybe it’s because they did not inform you of a copy of your parking placard required to include,,,
    If that was included, they would have sailed you right through.

  10. ” After 2020 we could have the House back and then there will be nothing to worry about.”

    These dick heads cycle every two years. And with the track record of our ‘No Offense’ spineless, dickless, milquetoast republicans you better worry.

  11. I’m back and I see NO Answers with how this can be accomplished.. Even Chet the unicorn said “Nerp.”

    And thank god the government wouldn’t take all the files I mailed into that warehouse in GA and make up a data base of guns and who bought them…

    Time to check the other threads and (OMG) get caught up BEFORE the weekend…

  12. Engelburka Engelburka


    When the trafic contolrers brok the law; Ronny was “forced to ignore the law breakers”! He did not! He fired them; after 3 times in advance warning that the law will be enforced!~

    Just because Rove and the liberals say Don sould do “something” does not mean that , were he conservative, he woud not “do something”!@?!%#&!

    The Constitution is what has made America the best country in the world for over 250 years!


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