AI Creates the “Perfect” Male and Female – iOTW SURVEY – IOTW Report

AI Creates the “Perfect” Male and Female – iOTW SURVEY

These are the bodies-

These are the faces-

AI is very strange. The bodies are cartoons.

Forget AI. Let’s be human.

iOTWers – Drop in the comments your personal aesthetic. Forget bodies. Facially, what well known person is closest to your ideal?

44 Comments on AI Creates the “Perfect” Male and Female – iOTW SURVEY

  1. Raquel Welch or Sophia Loren…..and their bodies ain’t bad either….I’ve always been a sucker for that olive skinned, exotic eyed Mediterranean look….

  2. Hmm. My first thought for “ideal face” was Myrna Loy, but my pick will change over time and it may not be Loy next week. Next week it’s likely to be Grace Kelly.

  3. The perfect woman was Julie Newmar as Catwoman.
    Hell, Batman of the 60’s was stacked.
    Yvonne Craig as Batgirl, Jill St. John as a villain…

    As for guys?
    Don Johnson in “The Long Hot Summer” remake.
    Ladies, go watch this. You will thank me later.
    I would also say a combo of Mark Wahlberg, Bert Reynolds, & Charles Bronson.

  4. I dunno, they all look like they’ve been airbrushed. No real human looks like that naturally. The guys have that gay look, the pics are all about sex. That’s all I got out of it – reality isn’t there.

  5. Wow.

    AI SUCKS at female faces.

    And I guess I don’t share its lack of taste in bodies either.

    Also, I would suspect both of those people to be a little too impressed with themselves to really be interested in anything or anyone else, and (were I single and, you know, up for dating torture again), I would simply move on to the curvier type lady I prefer anyway.

    But that’s just me. Tastes in humans vary as much as humans themselves do.

    But no AI can ever understand that.

  6. “Facially, what well known person is closest to your ideal?”

    Men: Billy Barty

    Women: Anne Hathaway

    Of course I’m gonna’ pick Billy Barty. Like I need competition?

  7. If you’re a guy and don’t think this lady is cute, you’re sick:

    Laurie Holden

    ht tps://celebsrevealed. com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Laurie-Holden.jpg

    (take out the spaces)

  8. I like natural voluptuous women. Most well-known people have had everything put under the knife. Nothing like paying millions to be beat with an ugly stick.

  9. The double navel with the stomach scar put me off. The dude is so muscle bound I’m not sure he could overcome his own the resistance of his own body to do any meaningful work. All the AI creations have the look of Übermenschen.

    The Donald and Melania impress me as having an attractive ascetic.

  10. Hmmm …

    Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren. Opposite body types but both beautiful. And Kim Cattrall when she was a brunette.

    Paul Newman, Robert Conrad and Timothy Olyphant ( yeah, I know he’s an airhead but he’s awfully handsome). I agree with the Don Johnson suggestions too.

  11. That first one has 2 navels, man hands and man arms and a waist and hips so tiny it’s a wonder she could stand up. Or deliver a baby.
    I prefer men either actually grow a beard or stay clean shaven. This half grown beard business just looks dirty.

  12. …OTOH, perhaps the rather muscular young woman in the first computer imagining would be appropriate for priortites that shift with age.

    I don’t recall where or when I saw this, but I will NEVER forget this person’s response to a similar thread on what might be preferred in a young woman…

    “I’m 81 years old. If a young, fit woman were to breathily promise me that she would do anything I say, I’d tell her to paint my house!”

    …I’m not QUITE there yet, but my ability to understand that increases every day…

  13. I couldn’t get past the first “lady” with the super short upper arm and the man hands.
    Gonna be a hard pass for all of these “creations”!

  14. Neither has character.
    I want the AI to show me both Ideal Created individuals in their 50s and then again in the mid 70s.
    Then I’ll comment on the attraction of life partners and their character.
    Created Pictures by artists or AI can never depict real life character.

  15. Rachael Weisz is a good start for an “ideal” female.

  16. Ok, don’t laugh. I have four. My favorite is Richard Dean Anderson. Not the MacGyver one, but the Jack O’Neil – cropped hair, military guy who likes to blow things up.

    2nd is Phil Collins. Third is Enrico Conlantoni. Last is Jim Caviezel.

    But looks just don’t matter. It’s the character. The integrity of the man is what’s appealing to me.


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