AI System That Predicted Last 3 Elections Says Trump Will Win – IOTW Report

AI System That Predicted Last 3 Elections Says Trump Will Win

Rai also states that Trump’s engagement on social media this year has overtaken that of Barack Obama’s in 2008 by 25%.

Breitbart: MogIA, an artificial intelligence system that has correctly predicted the outcomes of the last three U.S. presidential elections, predicts that Donald Trump will become the next president of the United States.

“If Trump loses, it will defy the data trend for the first time in the last 12 years since Internet engagement began in full earnest,” said MogIA’s developer, Sanjiv Rai.

“If you look at the primaries, in the primaries, there were immense amount of negative conversations that happen with regards to Trump,” he continued. “However, when these conversations started picking up pace, in the final days, it meant a huge game opening for Trump and he won the Primaries with a good margin.”

MogIA has successfully predicted the last three elections in the U.S. since its creation in 2004, as well as both the Democratic and Republican primaries this year, and the system is constantly becoming more intelligent, according to its creator.


12 Comments on AI System That Predicted Last 3 Elections Says Trump Will Win

  1. It keeps learning and soon it will be plugged into everything then it will see all humans not just the ones on the other side as the enemy…..Skynet it will be called….a new order of intelligence.

  2. I have no doubt that Trump will win the popular vote, but George Soros agrees, and says he will not win the Electoral College vote. Now Soros owns Smartmatic Voting Machines, installed in sixteen States. Anyone looking into this?

  3. If Clinton wins, the Left’s gloves will come off for good. They will NEVER risk a close call like Trump again.

    If Trump wins, their gloves will be off anyway…astroturfed riots and ginned up unrest that will surpass the late ’60s in violence.

    Either way, prepare for very interesting times.

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