AIPAC Takes Aim at Anti-Israel Democrats – IOTW Report

AIPAC Takes Aim at Anti-Israel Democrats

Red State

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is planning to spend a $100 million war chest taking out Democrats who are viciously anti-Israel.

According to a report from Politico, AIPAC has set its sights on various anti-Zionist candidates across both the House and Senate as tensions and opposition to Israel’s military campaign against Hamas grow within the far-left wing of the Democratic Party More

14 Comments on AIPAC Takes Aim at Anti-Israel Democrats

  1. Typical of a commenter that won’t even give himself/herself a name is that he/she (I’m trying to cover the possible pronouns) isn’t able to identify which comment is so ridiculous.

  2. His first mistake is thinking any regular here is seeking respect from someone so lazy that he can’t either identify himself or put a position, any position, out in the public square for scrutiny.

  3. I think MrLiberty is looking to get on the Creator’s bad side and that’s never a good idea. But He probably doesn’t care what I think, nor what the good Lord thinks.

  4. His second mistake is believing that he/she’ll continue to totally agree with such people forever, in an “all or nothing” manner without even knowing them. My advice to him/her is to make the most of any discourse knowing that perfection is not likely whereas serious disagreements and misunderstandings are.

    Now, got off my lawn! 🤣

  5. Hey, I am sick and tired of billions being taken from US citizens to fund a nation that attacked the USS Liberty, controls our congress via AIPAC, was likely behind 9-11, spies on US citizens, likely sold nuclear secrets to teh Chinese, controls our foreign policy decisions in the M.E. and commits genocide whenever it desires, all with the blessing of our government and our veto power in the UN. Yes, I believe that the world would be better off without the state of Israel influencing foreign policy of the US and other nations. I do not wish harm to the people, many of whom are victims of the blowback of their government’s policies. I’m sorry if you can’t see past what they do as a nation or as a foreign lobbying group as a negative force on our nation, our foreign policies, and our finances, but that is on you, not me. Virtually none of these problems existed in the region before Balfour or 1948. And my post wasn’t directed at anything but the original post…so get over yourself Tim.

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