Air Bag Jeans For Motorcycles – IOTW Report

Air Bag Jeans For Motorcycles

I’m sure a lot of jeans are filled with more than air when a motorcycle accident happens.

38 Comments on Air Bag Jeans For Motorcycles

  1. …sooo, ya gonna stick airbags inside the skull and chest to cushion the heart and brain from hitting bone on the inside, too?

    …because if you don’t, this might make for less work for display in the coffin, but not too much else…

  2. …OTOH, it may help preserve some of the more solid organs for donation, although bikers aren’t known for being otherwise kind to their livers and kidneys…

    …they don’t call them “Donorcycles” for nothing…

  3. I wrecked my motorcycle in 1982 and almost lost my left leg from the knee down. Another inch to the left and it would have been pulverized. That gimmick would have done nothing.

  4. Having gone down on a bike I think they would inhibit you sliding instead causing tumbling where you usually receive your broken appendages. Tight fitting heavy leather is the best defense.

  5. Jethro
    MARCH 6, 2023 AT 7:41 PM
    “I wrecked my motorcycle in 1982 and almost lost my left leg from the knee down.”

    …I dumped my dirt bike on the road I was illegally driving it on when I swiveled around to look for nonexistent cops when I was 14 or so, and it rode me for 10 feet or so, leaving some knee bits pressed into the pavement as a permanent memorial to my idiocity. They were able to rebuild what was left, but it talked to me for decades after until both my knees got so bad from Time that I can’t differetiate the pain any more.

    That pretty much ended my experiments with motorcycles, but I did go on to sponge bikers off on-ramps later in life, who usually came in two flavors; orthopedically ruined and inarguably dead.

    Not sure what a puffy suit is going to do for you if you get knocked off and then strewn and dragged over a quarter mile of interstate, or impaled on a sound wall, or launched over the suddenly-stopped car you just hit that shattered your cranium and rammed the rest of your head down between your shoulders with the neckbones as only a brief obstacle when you stuck your landing with your noggin, but I guess your limbs would still look GREAT, so maybe they could pose your hands in some way in the box to distract folks from the fact that your skull is 70% wax and plaster rebuild so they have something to put makeup on so you can look “so lifelike!”…

  6. SNS
    …they don’t call them “Donorcycles” for nothing…

    Kinda why I ride them in the first place.

    Told my friend it was my retirement plan – (fast bike and eating badly) and he corrected me saying it was an exit plan.


  7. SNS has experienced every human experience possible.

    Just go over every post he has ever made to verify that.

    You are one impressive man, SNS.

    No one could possibly compete with your history.

    Sounds insulting, but it’s not considering I believe every thing you have ever said here.

  8. Dadof4
    MARCH 6, 2023 AT 8:40 PM

    Thank you, I appreciate that.

    One way you can tell I’m not Bidening is that if I was like him, I would make myself a MUCH better motorcycle rider.

  9. We were issued life vests with CO 2 cartridges in them that would inflate if you ever went over the side of the ship when we were working on the flight deck of the Kitty Hawk. You’d just pull the lanyard, and it would automatically inflate. The vests also had very bright, high powered strobe lights on them so you could be spotted while in the water. Fortunately, none of us ever had to use them, thank God.

  10. geoff the aardvark
    MARCH 6, 2023 AT 9:45 PM

    Weren’t there also nets in strategic places to catch you before you went all the way down? I thought I read that somewhere, just curious if that’s for real and if you ever saw them save a life if so…

  11. Shit that sticks out makes things worse. I have wrecked at 55mph, and a couple of lower speed (15-20mph) wrecks on motorbikes. Stuff that digs into the dirt or whatever you are siding on can catapult you far far in the air. And that above shit looks like a surefire way to shatter a pelvis or do horrific shit to the upper femur and socket. And it will flip you around ass over teakettle and mash your head into the ground. I know because I have done it. (no I never broke any bones, but I have done the clay rabbit trick on my 55mph wreck. I tumbled 50 yards and launched into the air many times)

  12. There are nets just forward of the bow of ship to catch anyone if they might fall overboard. The narrow catwalks along both the port and starboard sides of the ship not so much except for a minimal guard rail. I never saw anyone accidently fall over the side of the ship, but I did see a guy jump overboard in the middle of the Pacific Ocean once right after he got out of the brig during the middle of flight ops. Captain Kirksey was pissed at this guy because they had to suspend flight ops temporarily to fish this dumbass out of the water and afterwards he went right back into the brig for the duration of the cruise. An aircraft carrier is not an easy thing to turn around in a life-or-death emergency like that. We had an emergency breakaway once when we were taking on fuel from a tanker alongside our ship when a rogue wave caused our ships to slam into one another. It didn’t do much damage except flatten the starboard catwalk and fortunately there was no one in that catwalk at the time because they would’ve been crushed to death. It was never a dull moment while out at sea because anything could happen at any time.

  13. Dadof4
    MARCH 6, 2023 AT 8:33 PM

    “Told my friend it was my retirement plan – (fast bike and eating badly) and he corrected me saying it was an exit plan.”

    …funny how you never can guess who will ride to glory and who will live to a ripe old age.

    My work buddy, who rides with a well-known MC, goes to Sturgis regularly, bikes to Nawleans on a whim, and only rides Harleys he built himself is crowding 70 and still is mostly undamaged, despite having BOTH hips replaced because of old age, he just rides on with titanium sockets like nothing ever happened. He seems as good a candidate for road pizza as anyone just statistically for miles ridden, but he seems as unkillable as the Terminator and just keeps on motoring…

  14. geoff the aardvark
    MARCH 6, 2023 AT 10:21 PM

    Thank you for that, now I have a little better picture of the arrangement and it makes sense, seeing as how getting run over by an aircraft carrier after falling off the front probably isn’t great for your health. I would think as tall as those things are, that ANY fall from them would be crippling or fatal, but apparently not.

    This I like, seeing as how being on a warship at sea is something I can never do, so its nice to be able to see it through the eyes of someone who’s been there. Any time you’d like to share some salt with we landlubbers it is most welcome, and thank you for your service…

  15. Different Tim already brought up the point, and I posted before I read it.

    The only reason I didn’t spend months in hospital was I wore a kangaroo suit, gloves, and a proper helmet. And had a spine protector under my suit.

    MY problem, like many others, is when we see, even for a split second, the horizon go horizontal we try to stand up. I was spinning around riding on my actual ass in the dirt and my brain said, “You can stand up..”, except I was still going 45mph. On my ass.

  16. Erik the ne’er do well unmasked scumbag
    MARCH 6, 2023 AT 11:00 PM

    “…except I was still going 45mph. On my ass.”


    That sounds quite unpleasant.

    Even after you stop spinning.

  17. Wasn’t fun, SNS. On site I did check a few times if my asshole was bleeding. I was sure it had been ripped open. I was full of dirt, though. I had a perforated suit. Dirt in my ass, my mouth, my eyes, my boots. SHEW!

    And my Ducati was cut in half on a telephone pole. That was the worst part.

  18. Twenty or so breaks in my legs, fractured neck & back, right hand near torn off, broken jaw and I have an inventory somewhere of what all else. A serious motor cycle crash is nothing to sneeze at. I’m skeptical that clown suit would have done much if anything in my case.

  19. JDHasty, that’s terrible. G-d Bless. I luckily never hit anything but the road and the yard behind it.

    Had things been a few milliseconds different I wouldn’t be here.

    I did however total a car with my head and shoulder. LOL! Fucking DC taxi cabs!

  20. Seems to me steel armor (everywhere) would be better bike crash protection than poofy pants.

  21. At this point in life, my ride is a Yamaha TW-200. Think of it as a low, slow, underpowered dirt bike with wide, fat tires for old men who don’t want to get hurt anymore but still want to have some fun. It is street legal, but I only use that feature to get from one off-road trail to another.

  22. The flight deck of the Kitty Hawk was at least 80-90 feet above the water depending on the size of the waves. Yeah, it’s a long drop. I came close to going over the side at least twice, once when I was knocked down by a jet blast and I had 100 # of tie down chains on my back and a flight deck officer grabbed me by my collar to keep me safe and another time when I was riding the brakes on my plane being towed across the flight deck during a rain squall off of Hawaii and the tow tractor lost traction because of the slick deck and the nose of my plane was over the side with the front wheels about 2 to 3 feet from going over the side. I was ready to jump but fortunately was stopped short of going over. Better to lose an expensive F-4 Phantom than myself.


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