Air Force admits giving GOP candidate’s sexual assault details to ‘opposition’ firm, Republicans say – IOTW Report

Air Force admits giving GOP candidate’s sexual assault details to ‘opposition’ firm, Republicans say

Just The News:

Two congressmen have said the Air Force has admitted to improperly releasing a Republican House candidate’s personnel records to an “opposition” firm, a leak that included details about the female airmen’s sexual assault during her service. 

Indiana Republican Reps. Jim Banks and Larry Bucshon said in a press release obtained by Just the News that on a call Tuesday the Air Force “took full responsibility for improperly releasing” the records of Indiana House GOP candidate and USAF Lt. Col. Jennifer-Ruth Green. 

Green earlier this month was the subject of a Politico profile in which writer Adam Wren reported that she had been sexually assaulted while serving in Iraq. Green in response claimed that her Democratic opponent, Rep. Frank Mrvan, “or his supporters” obtained “either illegally or by egregious error,” military records describing that assault.  more

15 Comments on Air Force admits giving GOP candidate’s sexual assault details to ‘opposition’ firm, Republicans say

  1. ‘The leaker “has been identified and will be held accountable,” the congressmen said.’
    How about they name the leaker? Hmmm??? None of this ‘Oh, we took care of it’ BS.

  2. Held accountable, just like the SCOTUS clerk (or justice, we will never know) who leaked the Dobbs Decision to the press?

    Justice only flows one way in this tin-horn third-world nation we live in.

  3. @Brown Eyed Girl

    I was thinking the very same thing. One minute Dems make saints of sexual assault victims, the next minute they leak reports in order to do what? … demonize the victim of a sexual assault?

    Dems have gotten away with total bullshit for so long they are no longer tethered to objective reality at all

  4. I don’t like the idea of suing, I’ve never done it and have had opportunities, but if she loses her race maybe she should to try and at least recoup what she had invested in campaigning to set an example. Unless one cannot sue the government.

  5. Brown Eyed Girl: It was more than just the fact she was sexually assaulted. They released the results of the AF investigation, which put partial blame on the Lt. Col., for putting herself in a dangerous situation which gave the Muslim piece of shit the opportunity to assault her. In other words, the AF said she was partially to blame for her assault.

  6. ^^^When it comes to being”woke”, the AF decided that Muslim relations takes precedence over a sexual
    assault victim.

    And I would like to know what the punishment was for the leaker. Discharge? Reduction of rank? Slap on the wrist?

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