Airline Mechanic Sabotages Plane in Order To Get More Overtime – IOTW Report

Airline Mechanic Sabotages Plane in Order To Get More Overtime


An American Airlines mechanic is accused of sabotaging a flight over stalled union contract negotiations. According to a criminal complaint affidavit filed in federal court, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani admitted during an interview Thursday that he tampered with a navigation system on the plane so that he could collect overtime work. The plane, with 150 people on board, was scheduled to fly from Miami to Nassau in the Bahamas on July 17. As the pilots powered up the plane at Miami International Airport, they saw an error message for a system that tracks speed, nose direction, and other critical flight information and aborted the takeoff, the AP report. When mechanics examined the plane, they found a piece of foam glued inside a navigation system part called an air data module.

Surveillance video captured a person who drove up to the plane, got out and spent seven minutes working around the compartment containing the navigation system, according to the affidavit. The person was later identified by co-workers as Alani, in part by his distinctive limp, the affidavit said.


24 Comments on Airline Mechanic Sabotages Plane in Order To Get More Overtime

  1. We are not stupid.

    The airlines are willing to promote political correctness even if it kills us.

    Saying he damaged the plane navigation over a union dispute sounds so much more reasonable than that he had been ululating Allahu Ackbar in the breakroom for the last 2 months in between his 5 times a day prayer ruggings to Mecca.

  2. …this is just further proof, if proof is needed, that men will act in their own self-interests regardless of how educated or how high a position of trust they may have.

    Think about that before surrenduring your guns in the hope that other men will guard you.

    As to aircraft mechanics, they are very highly trained and very highly paid, but they are also human and do stupid human things. I got to know some of them when the mechanics went on strike against Delta many years ago, and to while away the time, they deigned to go to local factories such as mine and lend their skills until the strike was over. In fairness they DID say they were done when the strike ended so that wasn’t a problem, but they were a pretty arrogant lot although they didn’t noticably have the skills to back it up. Perhaps they were better when following a sheet with written Federal guidelines on it, I don’t know.

    Anyway, I heard about a guy who had worked here in a later context after the strike was settled and they had returned. Seems that around this time DHL had sharply reduced their presence at the local international airport, and had some strucutres that were left empty but still powered on the airport grounds. This guy had access to the area by dint of being a mechanic and a badge that allowed his access to many buildings, including this particualar DHL building. Seems he and a bud decided they needed a little more money above and beyond the pretty large, contracted pay from Delta, and hit on the plan of stealing copper from this building, since it was empty anyway. This they did and no doubt congratulated themselves on their success, until coming to work one day and getting arrested by the County Sherriff. You would think that people with the skills and training to sucessfully complete repairs and high-level maintenance on complex, multi-engined commercial aircraft would have SOME awareness that airports have cameras EVERYWHERE, even in seemingly abadoned buildings, AND that using a badge that is DESIGNED to be EASILY tracable to them AND time and date stamps every entry and exit to gain access to the structure they had no legitimate reason to be in on airport grounds would be a BAD idea, but you’d be wrong.

    To their credit, Delta fired the offenders immediately.

    That’s ONE way to lose your high dollar job and spend some time as guests of the County, I suppose.

    …the point being that, humans be human. No matter what they do, no matter how much they earn, no matter the positon of trust they are in and whatever their past history may be, they are still the sin-stained children of a fallen world, and may fail you at any time just as ANY human may fail you at any time.

    Flying on an aircraft is still very safe, if for no other reason than there are a LOT of people looking over each other’s shoulders AND that the guys driving the bus will SHARE your fate if they don’t put it down in a reasonably intact state and therefore have a PERSONAL interest in a successful landing for their OWN sake.

    Just don’t think that everyone does everything they should all the time. They don’t.

    And that’s why you stay prayed up and right with the Lord.

    Because some self-interested person may, by their action or inaction, may cause you to meet the Lord at any time…

  3. I don’t want an inbred stinkin’
    Muzz working on ANY AMERICAN PLANE!
    Head him UP & MOVE him OUT !!!
    Sabotages a plane that goes up at 30,000′
    and flies 550 mph with good citizen AMERICANS,
    women and children on board ??? On second thought fry
    his ass in the electric chair.

  4. Thanks. A few weeks before my flight to Richmond.

    That’s what these pansies who run these companies get for pandering to the same group that used them to kill 3000 people.

  5. I live in “fly-over” country in Canada. To get anywhere, I usually have to fly to either Vancouver or to Toronto. I do NOT like Toronto airport as it seems ALL the airport personnel (security guards, luggage handlers and probably maintenance workers) seem to from Africa or from the Middle East. I only have a few more trips on my bucket list, and then I will be “done” with flying.

  6. Why is Mr. Alani working around airplanes? Are all the positions filled at the Nuclear and water supply plants filled? Surely the DC democrats could use a new intern. He obviously possesses computer knowledge.

  7. Of all the industries to hire ragheads, just what we want to make the friendly skies even more terrifying. A raghead performing maintenance on a plane full of potential 911 victims.Time to incorporate a new hiring practice. A job candidate must be witnessed consuming a a bag of pork rinds before being hired.

  8. L. Smith SEPTEMBER 6, 2019 AT 11:19 AM
    “A job candidate must be witnessed consuming a a bag of pork rinds before being hired.”

    …won’t help. The Islamic principle of taqiyya not only allows, but actually ENCOURAGES Muslims to lie about anything, absolutely ANYTHING, as long as it advances the goals of Islam. So, an Islamic fanatic would chow down and ask for seconds, IF it’s required for him to serve his Jihadi purpose, and all his co-religionist would be nothing but approving of it as long as he performed the required killing as a result.

    …that’s why you can NEVER trust a Muslim. So much lying is incorporated into their “religion” that they even have names for TYPES of lying…

  9. …just an example of the above, Taqiyya is what allowed “Obama” to claim he was a Christian to gain the Presidency without having a fatwa pronounced on him.

    …you see, “Obama” claims to have been born of a Muslim father, and raised by a Muslim stepfather.

    This makes him Muslim under Islamc law.

    One of the tenants of Islam is that apostasy is punishable by death.

    So, the ONLY way they would allow such a prominent figure to renounce Islam spo publically without commemt or fatwa is if they believe it to be Taqiyya.

    …that’s how it works…

  10. This guy was working for American since 1988. That’s 31 years so it strikes me that it’s highly unlikely his religion had anything to do with what looks like an attempt to score more hours coupled with a gripe against American. I didn’t look to deep but I suspect that being a highly experienced mechanic he would know that his sabotage would be caught by the check systems on the plane and it would have to be towed back to maintenance and he’d get his extra time. This guys a dangerous crook and unlikely a Muslim Terrorist and deserves prison time.

  11. Geez, I wonder how many other BS reasons they had ready & were prepared to float if no one fell for the first fake motivation. They’ve not yet admitted the real reason – a muzzle wanting to cause a plane to crash killing all aboard.


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