Airlines May Require “Health Pass,” Vaccine Certificate Before Allowing Passengers to Fly – IOTW Report

Airlines May Require “Health Pass,” Vaccine Certificate Before Allowing Passengers to Fly

Summit News: Airlines are likely to require passengers to sign up for a “health pass” which includes a digital certificate of vaccination against COVID-19 before allowing them to fly, according to a new report.

The system would be similar in nature to that being considered by Ticketmaster, who it was revealed earlier this week are considering making customers prove they’ve had the vaccine or a negative coronavirus test before allowing them to purchase tickets.

Ticketmaster later clarified that a final decision on such measures would be up to event organizers but that they were still mulling over the implementation of the system.

Now according to a new report by Axios, airlines are likely to follow the same model. more

26 Comments on Airlines May Require “Health Pass,” Vaccine Certificate Before Allowing Passengers to Fly

  1. so 1/2 the population will not play this game, airlines are hanging on by a thread now……add this and the final nail in the coffin for air travel……but remember, Trump is the Nazi Fascist.

  2. Eventually, the use of a “certificate” will become enough of an inconvenience that it will be replaced by some kind of machine or optically enhanced readable identifier on your body.

    Once this is achieved it will be expanded to all interactive public activities such as employment, buying and selling, attending any kind of gathering, and even using the public sidewalks and transportation.

    It will happen far sooner than you may think, in the back of their minds the majority of the people -both American and worldwide- are already primed for it and will be openly clamoring for it as soon as it is available.

  3. Look at all the private corporations knuckling under to government control. Breathtaking. In a Communist system, the state owns the means of production, but what kind of system is it which allows the existence of private business, but under strict government control? What would you call that kind of system? Hmm…

    And don’t forget, Uncle Joe says he’s going to make you wear a mask on the Interstate. Now, I reckon they’ll be setting up tollbooths to do vaccine checks.

  4. Facial recognition, state issued cell phones, cashless society with state controlled bank debit cards, social credit score. It’s the model the globalist oligarchs want to implement.

    Too many people jumped All-In to technology without realizing what they were giving up in exchange for all those cool features.

    Thirdtwin, yours posted while I was typing. We arrived at the same destination along parallel paths.

  5. 480,000 deaths per year from cigarettes, including 41,000 from second hand smoke. All deaths WITH Covid <226,000 as of last night. Tell me why we're wearing masks, working on a Covid vaccine.

  6. They can ask for allntheybwant but people will just not fly, or work, or shop in the supermarket. Small businesses can do what is right for their employees, customers etc and just say no to this tyranny. If it progresses then the problem is YOU and your submission. Do you actually understand what it is your are submitting to? If you care about your children and extended family then stop it now before it is too late.

  7. They can ask for all they want but people will just not fly, or work, or shop in the supermarket. Small businesses can do what is right for their employees, customers etc and just say no to this tyranny. If it progresses then the problem is YOU and your submission. Do you actually understand what it is your are submitting to? If you care about your children and extended family then stop it now before it is too late.

  8. “Look at all the private corporations knuckling under to government control.”

    Are they knuckling under to it or are they willingly participating in it while pretending to be knuckling under to keep any heat on the government instead of themselves?

  9. “If you care about your children and extended family then stop it now before it is too late.”

    But how?

    I’m all ears.

    FWIW, it doesn’t help my children and extended family for me to end up in jail, that does the opposite, so that sort of thing is out.

  10. Time to go passive/aggressive on everything dealing with Whuflu. Wear a mask like the Black Brownshirts are allowed to do, pulled down. Misunderstand orders and questions and do everything in a slow motion time warp. Misdirect and confuse as you go along. Be like the democrats and lie, lie, lie. Support the strikes the truckers are starting….You get the idea.

  11. Doesn’t bother me I no longer fly after flying to the Netherlands with my family 14 years ago and seeing their terrorist security policies were not serious but were instead political correctness.

    After passing together through the first security check point at Schiphol my wife and 9 y.o. son were pulled out of line for an extra thorough search. While some dark complected guy who was sweating a lot, head down, eyes scanning from side to side was never questioned. I was pleased when he finally went to a different departure gate. Sometime profiling is common sense. Focusing their attention on someone not likely a thread allows bad guys to sneak by unseen. I’ll travel another way if possible.

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