Airplane Passenger Has Meltdown Akin to The Exorcist – IOTW Report

Airplane Passenger Has Meltdown Akin to The Exorcist

28 Comments on Airplane Passenger Has Meltdown Akin to The Exorcist

  1. “What is it with black chicks these days?”

    these days??? I think with all the cameras out here now we’re just seeing more of what I seen pretty much all my life, that is the female version of the sagging low life black thug.

    I remember when we used to go to downtown Evanston when I was about 10 or 11 to catch the Sat afternoon horror movies and seeing black girls wilding.

    Or spending my summers in s Philly when I was a teen and seeing the same thing only on steroids.

    I liked her friends saying “she took somethin” Really? Thank you
    Captain Obvious.

  2. Where are all the air marshalls we’ve been paying for since 9/11? This is the 4th or 5th “episode” on an airborne plane where there is no one except the passengers and crew.

    We were told they are on nearly every flight.


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