al-Baghdadi’s Suicide Vest Sends The ISIS Leader To Allah – IOTW Report

al-Baghdadi’s Suicide Vest Sends The ISIS Leader To Allah

Fox News

ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead, sources have confirmed to Fox News.

Al-Baghdadi, who took over ISIS after his predecessor Abu Omar al-Baghdadi was killed in 2010, detonated a suicide vest, killing himself when U.S. Special Operations forces entered a compound in northern Syria where he was located, according to a U.S. defense official. No U.S. Special Operations forces were hurt or killed in the raid.

“U.S. forces did a terrific job,” a U.S. military source told Fox News.“This just shows it may take time but terrorists will not find a sanctuary.” The same source told Fox News that biometric tests confirmed that it was indeed Baghdadi.  More

25 Comments on al-Baghdadi’s Suicide Vest Sends The ISIS Leader To Allah

  1. Anonymous OCTOBER 27, 2019 AT 8:59 AM
    “Prepare to meet your 72 Virginians sucker!”

    …You know the Muslim practice of Kitman, or lying by omission? Well, seems it cuts both ways, and there’s some things in the contract that a!!ah didn’t mention…

  2. Another jihadi cowardly “mastermind” bites the dust. Anticipating four (would love eight) more years of winning.
    President Trump looked amazing at the press conference, btw. He seemed 20 yrs. younger. Sleepy, Pervy Joe can’t compete with that.

  3. Thanks to Special Forces and the President!! I’m not tired of winning are you?
    I love the fact he didn’t tell Pelosi.. He didn’t want it to leak. Her head is spinning this morning. So damn funny

  4. This is a direct message to the traitors in congress:

    “If we can ambush Al Baghdadi and his filth, so can we you, democrats and RINOS…..and you’ll never see or hear it coming. You’re on notice.

  5. Folks, you’re being played about this terrorist thing. Communism was the boogieman from 1950 until about 1990. Since the fall of the Soviet Union and because we love Cheap Commie Chinese products, our betters had to present a new boogieman. That boogieman to replace Communism is Terrorism. At present rates, your chances of being killed by a terrorist are about one in 3.5 million per year; how much safer do you want to be?”

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