Al Di Meola, the renowned American guitarist best known for his work in jazz fusion and world music, is in stable condition after he suffered a heart attack onstage during a concert in Romania, a hospital spokesperson told the Associated Press Thursday.
The news outlet reported that the musician, 69, was performing a show in Bucharest Wednesday evening. A photographer, Dragos Cristescu, who was present at the concert, said that he saw Di Meola grab his chest before experiencing difficulty walking off the stage. More
Known for “Mediterranean Sundance” recorded in 1977. They would play this on Minneapolis KQRS when I was a kid. I knew then I’d never make a living playing guitar. Listen
If you liked that you’ll enjoy “Friday Night in San Francisco” with Paco DeLucia and John McLaughlin. Here
I’m glad he survived. He is perhaps the best guitarist I ever heard. I need to go back and listen. It’s been a long time. I have his stuff on vinyl. No barcodes. Old stuff.
He’s a great guitarist. REALLY great.
My favorite guitar player, that is sad. I have a signed program from a concert where I saw him
in the 70s and my buddy got him to write “get a real guitar” on it.
There are few who could match his dotted 128th notes. I hope he recovers well.
Just pulled up Elegant Gypsy album. Haven’t listened in years. Really great stuff.
I love Spotify. I don’t have to do anything to bring up whatever I want.
How is he so great when 99.999999% of the population never heard of him?
@Loco. Go to the way back machine.
1977. Just because he didn’t get pop music attention means nothing but it’s worth finding out what he did.
I will look PHenry but I am surprised to have never heard of him.
I mean, 77 was right when I started to like music.
My favorite tunes by him were “Race with the Devil…” and the duet he did with Paco De Lucia, the name escapes me. Saw “Race” live.
I was making a sorry attempt to learn Classical guitar at the time, even got to play one of Andrés Segovia’s guitars, a Ramirez. Problem is I memorize everything so never could get the hang of reading music. No matter, switched to hard rock and all was well.
There was quite the revolution in music in the 70s, but most people were tuned out sniffing coke and trying to be phony. It’s still going on but people are trying to be even phonier.
Hmmmmm, at 69, could be a natural heart attack.
Or, just as likely, I’d be asking how many Clot Shots and Boosters he’s had.
But I’m glad he survived.
My musical tastes were a bit out of the mainstream for people my age. I first became aware of him when he was with Return to Forever in the 1974-1976 timeframe.
I had no idea how old he was but today I learned that he was my age. He was amazing then at the age of 20 to 22.
Sounds like musical masturbation.
Billy Fuster,
perhaps RadioDisney would suit your ears.
Whats wrong with musical maturbation? I listen to ZZ Top’s “La Grange”, and every time the guitar outro gets to the the guitar outro reaches the 2:00 mark, I pop my auditory wad .. I get a total, brain splitting eargasm.
Then I’m obliged to come down to the outro to “Sheikh” and drift into a reverie about a better time and place.