Al Franken Comedy – IOTW Report

Al Franken Comedy

THE FRANKEN AND DAVIS SHOW was a show within a show on Saturday Night Live.

This was a 1978 skit.

Before they go into their “famous” sumo wrestler sketch,  Franken stops the sketch to introduce his family, and Tom Davis’s girlfriend, seated in the audience.
Tired of living a lie, Davis outs the comedy team as homosexual lovers.
Franken, humiliated, runs backstage and shoots himself.
The show ends with a note promoting the communist party.

13 Comments on Al Franken Comedy

  1. It’s a funny bit.
    Davis was the smart and creative half of the team.
    He played the straight man (excuse the pun) and gave Franken most of the punchlines.

    “The Al Franken Decade”. Clever shtick at the time, but it was Davis’ creation.

  2. The most truth revealing skit Al ever did on SNL was the one wherein he was an elected government official who repeatedly urged his constituents to not ask what he could do for them but to ask themselves, “What can you do for me? Al Frankenstein.”
    I’ve looked for that skit on YouTube , can’t find it. Has it been deleted?

  3. When I was 12 I got a job at SNL as “clean-up boy” for the actors and actresses who was knockin-the-boots between skits. Y’know …. wiping they’re gentiles off and providin wet towels, an whatnot. Anyways this guy Franken axes me if he can lick my butt. I never had my butt licked (this was before I worked for Obama) and thought it sounded kinda weird; so’s I told him so. He laughed like a madman, and said that if I wouldn’t like that, he’s stick a pine-cone in my butt and pull it out with his teeth (that song was real big then). I jus kinda stared at him an he called me a “dumb pickaninny coconut-head” real mean like.

    It sorta hurt my feelings.

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