Al Franken Hates Ted Cruz – IOTW Report

Al Franken Hates Ted Cruz

Wash Exam-

Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., said he has dedicated an entire chapter of his new book to Ted Cruz because he “hate[s]” him.

“You have to understand that I like Ted Cruz probably more than my colleagues like Ted Cruz, and I hate Ted Cruz,” Franken told USA Today’s Susan Page while promoting his new book “Al Franken: Giant of the Senate.”

He is “just a special guy,” Franken added, suggesting there may be an account of private conversations he had with Cruz that could make the Texan look bad. He said that he doesn’t feel guilty about breaking protocol on publicly revealing information from these discussions because Cruz broke that protocol with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell back in 2015.

Cruz, a Republican senator from Texas, gets his own chapter in Franken’s new book, titled “Sophistry,” where he is described as “singularly dishonest” and “smarmy,” according to USA Today report.
Writer, Peter Heck, compares the two-
  • Ted Cruz has authored over 80 Supreme Court briefs. Al Franken authored skits about poop and sex on Saturday Night Live.
  • Ted Cruz clerked for the esteemed Chief Justice William Rehnquist. Al Franken performed fake news for laughs until he was replaced by Norm Macdonald and quit in a temper tantrum.
  • Ted Cruz served as the primary editor of the Harvard Law Review and was hailed by one of the nation’s most well known attorneys, Alan Dershowitz (a liberal) as “off the charts brilliant.” Al Franken served as screenwriter and star in Stuart Saves His Family, a film that bombed at the box office with the San Francisco Chronicle calling the effort, “a mess.”
  • Ted Cruz famously argued 9 cases before the United States Supreme Court. Al Franken famously grilled Representative Tom Price over owning tobacco stocks – that Franken also owns.
  • Ted Cruz was once a national and international debate champion. Al Franken used cocaine while working in the television business.

28 Comments on Al Franken Hates Ted Cruz

  1. Let me guess, $39.99 cover price. $20 on Amazon for a week, then slashed to 9 bucks with free digital copy and he walks away with $300,000 before a single one sold.

  2. Frunken is the senator that fellated Brutus and about a dozen other senators the Ides of March when they gutted Caeser. No one remembers that dude’s name yet his talent at entertaining dicks almost destroyed a republic.

    There are many like him.

  3. Franken is only a senator through dishonest means.

    Any and all votes found in the trunk of a car after the election should be automatically disqualified.

    He’s a liar and a cheat. The phrase “Consider the source” was never more relevant.

    I find him despicable.

  4. Franken is a puerile, dystopian, American-hating, totalitarian, pus-sucking, Globaloney, self-serving (his ONLY redeeming feature), lying, worthless, sack-of-monkey-shit, douchebag, shit-pickle-eating, twatwaffle, fleck of whale dreck, thieving, sorry-excuse-for-a-human, nose-picker who represents his state wonderfully. They’ve elected him (more than once, even if by foul means) and have refrained from recalling him or hanging him, so it is evident that they enjoy his antics in their behalves (behalfs?).

    That’s my opinion, at any rate.
    Minnesota – a good place to be from!
    (apologies to the real people abandoned in Minnesota – we have McCaskill (who is absolutely as putrid as Franken) – so this is really kind of sarcasm)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Oh my gosh! Is that picture for real? Is it the cover picture? If so, THAT is a US Senator(?); a perfect depiction of many of the left members. Can you imagine the stench of the filled diapers of the congressional geriatric, set? The place is full of the stayed-too-long.

  6. “Another book going directly to the sale table. It will be on the same ‘3 for $1’ table as HRC’s, Al Gore’s, and obama’s books.”

    The “advance” is the payoff – no one expects the crap to sell.

    izlamo delenda est …

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