Al Gore Earns Grand Prize In Climate Hypocrisy – IOTW Report

Al Gore Earns Grand Prize In Climate Hypocrisy

Washington Times

Former Vice President Al Gore edged Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for a high-profile climate award, although it’s unlikely to earn a place on his mantel.

Mr. Gore was announced Friday as the winner of the top Climate Hypocrite Award, a tongue-in-cheek “honor” presented by Sen. Jim Inhofe, Oklahoma Republican, aimed at recognizing what he described as climate-change leaders who fail to walk the talk. More

16 Comments on Al Gore Earns Grand Prize In Climate Hypocrisy

  1. Bernie Madoff is sitting in prison with his head about to explode watching while Al Gore and Soros get away with the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind, and so-called scientists lie to the world so they can line their own pockets.

    Al Gore used to be a somewhat handsome man. But after he lost the election and went coo-coo for cocoa puffs and jumped fully on the globalist destroy America train – he now looks like some sort of goblin. That’s what being an evil, money grubbing liar will do to you.

  2. . . .after he lost the election and went coo-coo for cocoa puffs and jumped fully on the globalist destroy America train – he now looks like some sort of goblin. That’s what being an evil, money grubbing liar will do to you.

    Global Gobbling Goblins
    A monster meme is born
    Love Our Ladies!

  3. Ex Vice President of the United States and typical slime ball Democrat candidate does what in his spare time ? Answer…Cheapening once prestigious awards, promoting communist nostrums for climate control and waiting at motel door rooms asking maids to adjust his Chakra due to pressure build up…So very Leftist, almost a living cliche swooping his wife on stage for a kiss loved by the brainless women while his wife fights in court to get her share of his millions in order to leave an estate to her children as she fights cancerous death,,….She discovered what he was before the end..

  4. Imagine the proctologist who has to give that fat gas bag a colonoscopy.

    “Okay, here goes Mr. Gore. We’re going in.”

    “Oh, good God! What did you eat?! The humanity!”

    “Clear the room! Stat!”

    “Nurse, call the Fire Department. No, call Hasmat. The atmosphere is toxic in here.” …

    “They’re on their way, Doctor. But they recommended we clear the building.”

    “Just pull the fire alarm.”

    “But what about the patient?”

    “He’ll be fine. He breathes that shit all the time.”

  5. He’s pocketed over half a $Billion from the Globaloney Warming Scam – he doesn’t give a flying fuck.

    “Sinners don’t fear death – they fear the revealed presence of God.”

    We must all stand before our Judge – and I have a sneaking suspicion that Gore’s lies and deceits are gonna be shoved up his fat ass – misleading our youth into the path of moral and ethical degeneracy MUST be a serious offense (just a guess).

    izlamo delenda est …


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