Al Jazeera Edits Tommy Robinson Criticizing Muhammad Right After Smug Host Claims Everyone In Qatar Is Free To Criticize Muhammad – IOTW Report

Al Jazeera Edits Tommy Robinson Criticizing Muhammad Right After Smug Host Claims Everyone In Qatar Is Free To Criticize Muhammad

Where do the Brits find these smug assholes?

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Smug Asshole

This moron tried to trip up Robinson by quoting from the Old Testament while saying it was from the Koran.

It didn’t fool Robinson, and the host was left looking like a toolbag. When Robinson asked the Quisling host, located in Qatar, if he could criticize Muhammad he said that he could.

When Robinson started reeling off facts about Muhammad being murderer and a rapist they edited the interview.

See it all HERE.

7 Comments on Al Jazeera Edits Tommy Robinson Criticizing Muhammad Right After Smug Host Claims Everyone In Qatar Is Free To Criticize Muhammad

  1. I don’t understand why the sovereign nations of Europe are incapable of holding a hand up in the face of an Islamic flood and tell them to turn back and look upon their members of their own culture?

    None of these tools wanted to discuss why Muslims are literally dying to get out of the region dominated by their culture. The host and the lady wanted to keep the door open to all Muslims looking to escape the dysfunction of their society and bring the dysfunction with them.

    These smug bastards are going to find themselves kicked to the curb of history by a culture more ruthless and cruel than they appreciate.

  2. @Dr. Tar ~ first, all those ‘sovereign nations of Europe; are doing their collective damnedest to absolve their ‘sovereignty’ to become a ‘One World’ oligarchy …
    second, it’s happening here & in Canada…witness the influx of ‘Syria refugees’ that don’t require clearance, or vetting to get immediate ‘status’ & taxpayer-paid benefits … Obama’s (& the demonRATs) ‘transformation’ requires it, Congress… aka ‘the Republicans’ allow it, willingly.
    …it’s a Brave New World … & the people have lost

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