Al Jazeera Journalist Sues US Government After Being Droned Five Times – IOTW Report

Al Jazeera Journalist Sues US Government After Being Droned Five Times

Bilal Abdul Kareem has been trying to cover the Syrian Civil War from the rebel side for Al Jazeera, except drones from the United States keep trying to kill him.  A U.S. citizen, Mr. Kareem is now suing his government to be removed from the “disposition matrix” or the computer program used to determine who’s on the kill list.


According to Wikipedia, since it’s establishment, the “disposition matrix” has killed almost as many as were killed on 9/11/01.

16 Comments on Al Jazeera Journalist Sues US Government After Being Droned Five Times

  1. When you associate with terrorists, sympathetic with, report and disseminate their propaganda, you set yourself up for elimination.
    Being with terrorists is not a safe space US Citizen or not, snowflake.
    Revoke his citizenship, immediately.

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