Alabama: Dr. Jason Valentine, a physician at Mobile’s Diagnostic and Medical Clinic Infirmary Health, Says He Will Not Treat the Unvaccinated – IOTW Report

Alabama: Dr. Jason Valentine, a physician at Mobile’s Diagnostic and Medical Clinic Infirmary Health, Says He Will Not Treat the Unvaccinated

Breitbart: A doctor in Alabama stirred up controversy this week when he pledged not to treat patients who have not been vaccinated for the coronavirus.

“Dr. Jason Valentine, a physician at Mobile’s Diagnostic and Medical Clinic Infirmary Health, posted a photo on his Facebook page showing him posed next to a sign that says ‘effective Oct. 1, 2021, Dr. Valentine will no longer see patients that are not vaccinated against COVID-19,’” reported The Birmingham News.

The post has since been set to private, and Dr. Valentine did not respond when reporters reached out to him and his representatives for comment. Valentine penned a letter for his patients, which he posted online. more here

29 Comments on Alabama: Dr. Jason Valentine, a physician at Mobile’s Diagnostic and Medical Clinic Infirmary Health, Says He Will Not Treat the Unvaccinated

  1. And I will be very unlikely to seek treatment or advice from a doctor who got the shot. I might make allowances for docs who regretted getting shot, and who now recommend that their patients continue to refuse, but I’d still be extra careful with them.

  2. 3 patients decided to get the vaccine, probably 3 who need their drugs they’re addicted to and he’s the only quack who will prescribe them or he’s lying.

    I had very little trust for the medical community before covid and I now have even less. I guess he hasn’t gotten the message, the super spreaders are the vaccinated. If only we knew exactly what they’re spreading before they kick the bucket.

  3. Well, at least it’s nice that these totalitarian assholes are so willing to reveal themselves. My soon to be former physician informed me last month that denying the efficacy of masks is like denying the existence of gravity…

  4. If someone gets drunk then goes out and drives and crashes his car into a tree and gets seriously hurt, this doctor will treat him.

    If someone overdoses on an illegal drug, this doctor will administer an expensive counter-acting agent to save his life and give the person whatever treatment he needs.

    But refuse to take a “vaccine” that was rushed into production and did not go through half of the tests that drugs normally go through and about which the figures are greatly manipulated and all of a sudden this guy decides he is God .

    Sounds like a rectal cavity I would just as soon not see anyway. I would love to see someone file a formal complaint against him with the state medical board.

  5. They let a sodypop call itself Dr Pepper and it’s been downhill ever since.

    Dr Seuss, Dr J, Dr Dre, Dr Jill, Dr Fauxi, now this stunad.
    Must be a graduate of a mail order med school in Grenada.

  6. Is his malpractice insurance good with this stand?
    Because I picture a lawyer licking his chops at the thought of a patient not wanting to switch practices and feeling forced to take the jab. If they happen to get a severe adverse reaction… the lawsuit will have so many zeros on it, his insurance co will settle, then drop him.

  7. Valentine and many other so-called ‘dcotors’ are often bribed or given gifts by big pharm sales reps-peddlers to push some bogus ‘medication’ or vaxx. This is the very reason why big pharma terrorists and their wealthy financial backers have banned/censored natural health docs and professionals, even to the point of homicides and disappearances a few years ago.

  8. It is unethical for a doctor to condition his services on the patient’s vaccination status, just as it is unethical for a doctor to refuse to treat a patient because they smoke, or are overweight, or did not follow a treatment regimen.

  9. Medical coward.

    Go treat fish for ick if HUMAN diseases scare you. This ain’t the first virus to ever spawn, and won’t be the last.

    You will never be safe treating humans. Hey, go be a tree doc, not many diseases jump from elm to asshole so you’d probably be OK…

  10. Just think if doctors took that stand on treating illegal aliens who bring many diseases to this country all the while not paying dime one. It be a different country

  11. Since a whole passel of negroes are refusing the jab, ain’t that racist?
    I think he’s using that as an excuse not to treat negroes.
    And ragheads.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. I wouldn’t want to be treated by a Dr with so little basic knowledge of virus and immunology.

  13. @Uncle Al: That’s the situation were in. I’d get word out about that doctor and push until he’s ran out of practice. Bad enough that we got to get rid of rotten politicians, but a renegade doctor is even worse. I wouldn’t trust that doctor. Run him out of town! May as well find yourself a muzzie doctor – same difference, they want to kill you.

  14. Anonymous August 24, 2021 at 8:33 am

    Another government mule.

    You’re giving mules a bad name. Mules are quite intelligent creatures. They are sure footed, will never drop a load, they were made to work. I think a goat would be a good animal top classify him as being – a government goat, if he’s a muzzie then a government pig.

  15. Dr Hoo August 24, 2021 at 5:46 am

    It is unethical for a doctor to condition his services on the patient’s vaccination status, just as it is unethical for a doctor to refuse to treat a patient because they smoke, or are overweight, or did not follow a treatment regimen.

    BIL is a smoker, diabetic, overweight, heart disease, medically noncompliant. Doctor told him he couldn’t treat his heart disease unless he stopped smoking. BIL won’t stop smoking, so doctor told him he wasn’t able to help him further. The doctor pushed him off on another doctor. Sister said that the doctor was finished with her husband.


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