Alabama: State Rep. Arnold Mooney(R) jumps into Senate race – IOTW Report

Alabama: State Rep. Arnold Mooney(R) jumps into Senate race

Conservative Review; 

Editor’s note: Mr. Mooney is the father of Blaze Media president Gaston Mooney. Conservative Review is a Blaze Media digital property. The author’s opinions are his own and were not influenced by anyone associated with Blaze Media or Mooney’s campaign.

After several years of lackluster conservative recruitment even in red states, conservatives might have found a pick in Alabama with the news yesterday that state Rep. Arnold Mooney will run for Senate against Sen. Doug Jones, D-Ala.

In the 2020 cycle, as conservatives focus on the re-election of President Trump and winning back the House, they might forget to take stock of the Senate races because of the perception that Republicans already control that chamber. Well, Republicans might control it, but conservatives in that chamber can fit into a phone booth. And absent better recruitment this cycle, there is no reason why the GOP-controlled Senate will be any better than during Trump’s first two years, when Senate Republicans refused to do anything conservative on health care, debt, judicial supremacy, or immigration. Or anything, for that matter.

This year, there are a number of RINO Senate seats up for grabs in states that Trump won in 2016, many of them by large margins.

Some of these senators, such as Alexander, Enzi, and Roberts, are retiring next year, presenting conservatives with an opportunity to shift the seats to the right, if they engage in the primaries. Others are incumbents who are still loved by many “conservative” insiders and will be tough to defeat.

Then there is Alabama, which is in a category of its own.

Due to the anomalous circumstances of the special election to fill the vacant seat of Jeff Sessions in 2017, Democrat Doug Jones now holds the seat. Trump carried the Yellowhammer State by a 28-point margin in 2016 and is still very popular in this deep red state. Thus, Doug Jones is a dead man walking with Trump on the ballot, even if Trump were to lose nationwide. The only question for conservatives is if they will elect another big-spending Republican who talks the talk on some cultural issues but won’t lead on them, or if they will actually elect a much-needed voice for the movement.  more here

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