“Aladdin, Jr.” Canceled For Fear of Misrepresenting “Arabic Culture” – IOTW Report

“Aladdin, Jr.” Canceled For Fear of Misrepresenting “Arabic Culture”

Daily Caller –

A school in Baltimore County, Maryland, has decided to cancel its upcoming production of Disney’s “Aladdin Jr.” due to the play’s “negative stereotyping of Arabic culture.” More

In other news, the press is still obsessing over the murder and dismemberment of friend to terrorist, Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer and Saudi citizen Jamal Khashoggi. Here

12 Comments on “Aladdin, Jr.” Canceled For Fear of Misrepresenting “Arabic Culture”

  1. Boo-Hoo.. who cares what they think of our culture they weren’t ask to come here and as many have said- if they don’t like it/us go back to the desert. To many regular people are bending over backwards to accommodate these muzzies but don’t realize that they would kill you if they knew they wouldn’t get caught. Never turn your back on one or walk alone…..

  2. Negative Stereotyping of Arabic Culture

    In other words, a fairy tale that takes place in the Middle East, has (As all fairy tales do) a villain who just happens to be from that area (imagine that)


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