Alan Colmes Dead – IOTW Report

Alan Colmes Dead


Fox News Ran a Tribute to Colmes & Said He Died From a ‘Brief Illness’.

Oddly, Colmes’ Site Was Still Tweeting After His Death Was Announced.

Colmes Was a New York Native Who Got His Start as a Stand up Comedian.

Colmes Leaves Behind a Wife, Jocelyn Crowley.

41 Comments on Alan Colmes Dead

  1. Sure, I hated his political views, but he stood up for what he believed. No matter how wrong he was, he didn’t back down. I respected him for this. He will be missed. My condolences to his family.

  2. “He was one of life’s most decent, kind and wonderful people you’d ever want to meet,” his former co-host said in a statement.- Hannity

    BULLSHIT! He was an ardent leftist. There is nothing decent, kind and wonderful about a leftist.
    This isn’t about a guy who liked the Yankees when you love the Mets.
    This is a battle for how you want your life to be conducted. In 2017 the left cares little about open borders, they celebrate sanctuary cities where sometimes hardened criminals are not detained for deportation. They want your gun rights taken away and they want millions of Muslims, who are not compatible with the west, to flood our cities. They want parasites to get healthcare while the middle class loses theirs because of outrageous costs, all designed to get people to say “no mas” and accept government controlled healthcare.

    RIP Colmes, but you were not a decent human being. You were an asshole.

  3. I get why people feel the need to speak fondly of someone at the time of his passing.

    But I didn’t like Alan Colmes. I thought he was a jerk. Just another one of those Leftists who refuses to let go of his sinking ideology as it drags him down beneath the waves.

  4. Look at Colmes last tweets. He was pushing the leftist America hating propaganda to the end. It doesn’t take bravery to keep repeating lies when you know there’s a big check waiting for you backstage.

  5. A despicable effeminate Leftist jerk. A hack shill, who contrived to get lavishly rewarded for spewing propaganda lies that any sane honest person should have outgrown by age 25.

    I can see him right now gladly performing unspeakable acts for Goebbels in Hell.

  6. My first thought? Good. But thats always my first thought when a flaming left wing ideologue dies.

    Davys right. The rest of these flamers will be appearing with duct tape skull caps as a preventative.

  7. Why do I feel guilty writing something bad about him? I always end up really hating liberals and lost a lot of relationships for it but if someone passes away I can’t say anything unless they were really awful like Jane Fonda

  8. So, he died an unrepentant repellant leftist? Does that mean he gets rewarded in the after life with the socialist hell he’d advocate for the rest of us?

    Colmes was the master of attack until the opponent fights back then misdirect to something unrelated before every catches on that all the objections were so much trivial BS to begin with.

    I really hated his style of “interviewing.” Hannity got better when he ditched Colmes.

    I’m sure leftist hack will view all critical comments about Colmes as an affirmation of his life, so there’s that.

  9. I don’t want Lefty Socialists to rot in hell — I want them to rot here on earth. What they spread is absolute poison for individuals and for societies.

    Social­ism is a phi­los­o­phy of fail­ure, the creed of igno­rance, and the gospel of envy; its inher­ent virtue is the equal shar­ing of misery. — Winston Churchill

  10. I don’t know if BFH remembers but we once met Colmes. We were on our way to a taping of a TV show in NYC around 1992 and Colmes approached us for a “man-on-the-street” interview near Rockefeller Center. He was doing those radio bits where you ask people things like, “What do you think of euthanasia?” and the moron’s response is, “I think the youth in Asia should have the same opportunities as the youth here in America.”
    I forget exactly what his set up question was but as soon as we heard it we were on to him and started wisecracking him back with our answers. Realizing we weren’t dupes, he said, “OK, fellas, let’s just move it along here, move it along…”

  11. Americans are buying guns in droves so they can kill the animals that Colmes emboldened and enabled in destroying America and our way of life. Ridding the country of this scum is the dream.

    Now that he has voluntarily vacated earth on his own we are supposed to be sad? Good riddance scumbag… you were a rotten piece of shit.

  12. Prayers for his wife, and as much as I know that prayers for the dead are useless (his stance on life in general was corrupt and ungodly), I genuinely hope that he found Christ before he went, I’d wish hell on no one, but especially not on someone who wasn’t a pedophile or something.

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