Alan Dershowitz threatens to sue UC Berkeley and gets results – IOTW Report

Alan Dershowitz threatens to sue UC Berkeley and gets results

AT: Alan Dershowitz is a legendary lawyer, now retired as a professor at Harvard Law School, who has taken up the issue of free speech on campus.  Encountering a university policy that required outside speakers without an invitation from an academic department (for instance, invited by a student group) to endure an eight-week waiting period for scheduling a talk, he smelled a rat and threatened to sue.

Dershowitz said the sponsors of his visit, the Chabad Jewish Student Center and the pro-Israel student club Tikvah, had been turned down by several departments as a sponsor of his talk, and that he was trying to find out if any of those departments had sponsored “anti-Israel speakers” in the past.

“If they have, that presents a serious constitutional question for Berkeley,” Dershowitz said. “If a department has a policy of never sponsoring a speaker, that would be one thing. But if there’s content discrimination, that would be illegal under the First Amendment.”

So common are anti-Israel speakers that it was all but certain that Dershowitz had a case.  And the next move from the university seems to suggest so:

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6 Comments on Alan Dershowitz threatens to sue UC Berkeley and gets results

  1. The last thing the Chancellor of the UC system wants is this lawsuit by AD. He will make Napalitano get the entire system correct and pay big bucks. Might even lead to her downfall.

  2. Makes me almost (almost) wish I had a house and owned some property near universities like that. I would bypass the entire university system and invite the CONSERVATIVE students and speakers to congregate at my place. And not a thing the Libtards could do about it. Private property and all that.

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