Alan Simpson Tells CNN’s Alisyn Camerota To Find A New Job – IOTW Report

Alan Simpson Tells CNN’s Alisyn Camerota To Find A New Job

DC: Former GOP Sen. Alan Simpson of Wyoming told CNN host Alisyn Camerota to stop critiquing politicians for their past sins and “find some new work,” on “New Day” Tuesday.

Camerota played a clip of Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah commending President Donald Trump and saying he doesn’t care about special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

“Well, I don’t want to get into that kind of stuff. I can tell you one thing that would solve everything. Now, you want to hear this. Every U.S. senator who goes to the Judiciary Committee should have a full FBI investigation from birth until they go on the committee. That will take care of a lot of this crap,” Simpson said.

Simpson also said it’s useless to drudge up instances from every politician’s past and was upset about Camerota trying to “pick old scabs.”

“You don’t go back into the life beyond,” he continued. “When I was on 18, I was on federal probation for shooting mailbox. I fought a cop. I got thrown in the clink. … Let it play out. Orrin — I care deeply for. I care deeply for [former Vice President] Joe Biden. I loved them all. And I got along with them all and we made it work. So, if you want to pick old scabs, you better pick a new guy to get on the show.”  MORE

7 Comments on Alan Simpson Tells CNN’s Alisyn Camerota To Find A New Job

  1. “So, if you want to pick old scabs, you better pick a new guy to get on the show.”

    I agree get a new guy on the show. But because I deem Alan Simpson a relic from the dysfunctional past that got us where we are. A true Bendover “Conservative”. Let him rest comfortably in The Swamp that he regards so fondly.

    When I was young I thought Simpson was so astute. And I also thought Biden was well-spoken. Then I turned 19 and found that Biden is a complete bullshitter and scoundrel. And Simpson did little but talk, and sell out his base by being such a genial compromiser. A truly principled life has alluded most all the politicians of our times.

    And his ‘troubled’ youth showed he must’ve been ‘born in a barn’.

  2. For the Senator who chastized seniors complaining about their meager social security check, I’m sure he’s resting easy with his meager S.S.I check along with his yearly government pension check and a generous cola.


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