Alaskan health care worker suffers anaphylactic reaction after getting Pfizer vaccine shot – IOTW Report

Alaskan health care worker suffers anaphylactic reaction after getting Pfizer vaccine shot

Just The News: A health care worker in Alaska is reportedly doing “well” and in stable condition after suffering a serious allergic reaction minutes after receiving the new Pfizer Inc. coronavirus vaccine. 

The worker, who has been identified as a middle-aged woman, suffered anaphylactic shock and required hospitalization. She remains under monitoring by medical professionals. She will not be receiving the second dose of the two-jab vaccine.  more

17 Comments on Alaskan health care worker suffers anaphylactic reaction after getting Pfizer vaccine shot

  1. Anaphylactic shock would have killed most people on their way home from the store…. Thank God she was in a medical care facility…. No anti-wuflu shot for me! If I decide to become alarmed, I will drink fishtank cleaner……!

  2. They are testing on healthcare workers. Good luck workers!
    A friend is a doctor (the real kind) at Kaiser in L.A. and got his today.
    I wonder, there are at least 3 companies making vaccines, each with its own research. Are all the vaccines considered equivalent? What rules will they attempt to enforce, what if one falls out of favor? So many questions for something forced onto the market with little proof of safety or efficacy.

  3. …these things happen, that’s why the doctor will usually keep you around a bit after a shot.

    …but in the case of a disease with a 99.9999% recovery rate that is so subtle you need an unreliable test to even know you HAVE it, the risk/reward slider is WAY off to the left here, and you really have to question if the game is worth the candle…

  4. MJA DECEMBER 16, 2020 AT 5:59 PM

    An Endocrinologist (A REAL doctor) once told me never to jump in for any study or vaccines. ‘Let them go first.” He said

    Basic rule of smart people.

    Just like letting others be the first to jump in the pool when the known prankster says “Jump in! the water’s fine!”

    Nothing to trust about these liars and thieves.

    I’m not jumpin’ in.

  5. If you have a 99.98% chance of surviving the coof, you have a 0.02% chance of dying from the coof if infected.

    Another study came out suggesting that 4 people in the Pfizer trial and 3 people in the Moderna trial developed Bell’s Palsy.

    After playing with the calculator, you have a 0.0218% chance of getting Bell’s Palsy, or 0.0018% more chance than dying from the coof.

    And that’s just ONE symptom. We need to take all the negative outcomes and add them up into the aggregate. There are about 30 bad outcomes known at this time. If you assume all of them have the same chance as Bell’s Palsy, you end up with a 0.654% of something bad happening, including death. Or a 3270% higher chance than death from the coof with no vaccine.

    On top of all that, you introduce possible bad symptoms and still have a 5%-10% chance of it not preventing the coof so then you need to add back in the original 0.02% chance of death from coof.

  6. I have a friend at my church who is a biologist. He says the vaccine is fine. I told him that the science may be fine, but I don’t trust the people in charge.


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