Alcee Hastings Tells a Joke That Involves the Death of the President – IOTW Report

Alcee Hastings Tells a Joke That Involves the Death of the President

21 Comments on Alcee Hastings Tells a Joke That Involves the Death of the President

  1. Someone in a law enforcement capacity needs to start taking this shit seriously. I’m sick and tired of my favorite President taking this shit and nothing happens. If one of us decides were not taking anymore of this it will be used against us. Where in the hell is the law when it comes to protecting our side?

  2. Just sayen, there’s another faction of Conservatives that support Trump that are totally nuts. Nut a little nuts like us. It’s only a matter of time before it Pink Mist. I hope they get away.

  3. He’s a joke himself. Only, he’s a not so funny joke.
    A complete corrupto-crat.
    “Rep. Alcee Hastings Maxes Out Girlfriend’s Salary for Fifth Straight Year
    Also employs girlfriend’s daughter and a convicted money launderer”

    “The Treasury Department paid $220,000 in a previously undisclosed agreement to settle a lawsuit alleging sexual harassment that involved Florida Democrat Alcee L. Hastings, according to documents obtained by Roll Call.”

    He’s expensive. $220,000 of _taxpayer’s_ money for his indiscretions that couldn’t be kept hidden. They tried to keep the incident and the payment hidden. How does he demonstrate the moral fortitude to be a legislator?

  4. This is one of the most corrupt members of Congress to exist. Got impeached and they decided not to ban him for life (big mistake).

    In 2012, Hastings was ranked 1 out of 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives for paying salaries and fees to family members, according to the conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch. (

    But he does have Al Sharpton’s Respict because Black Lives Mattress.

  5. Loco- he and maxine are the two best at the corruption thing.

    “Maxine Waters was elected to Congress in the year of 1990. During her time in Congress, her family has made over a million dollars in revenue from Waters’ government connections. Throughout Waters’ 27 years in Congress, she only managed to pass three bills: a Haiti relief bill, the renaming of a post office, and a modification of the national flood insurance program. …”

    I really don’t care for either of them, but most especially her. She’s nothing but a mercenary politician.

  6. @LocoBlancoSaltine:

    “Sorry Al-C-student, but white folk CAN swim. “Blacks…not so much.”

    Which proves why Jesus wasn’t black. He could walk on water.

  7. Problem is (sorta like potato chips) once you start killing traitors, you can’t stop – just too damn many of em!

    Hastings was impeached as a “judge” and is know to be corrupt – which begs the question: Why does the House allow him amongst them?
    “Birds of a feather” and all that.

    “Throw a bad apple into a barrel of good apples and they ALL rot.”
    “Throw a good apple into a barrel of bad apples and they STILL ALL rot!”

    May be a lesson in there, somewhere …

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Alcee is a racist. My dad told the same joke many years ago. In his joke the crisis was a buss full of blacks going over a cliff and the catastrophe was one empty seat. I bet Alcee wouldn’t think that was funny. Racial hate never goes out of style.

  9. Some comedian does a bit where he impersonates a (drunk?) Bill Cosby.
    Ft. Lauderdale’s negro congressman sounds just as unintelligible as that.
    I send my support to the rep. from the next district north of me, Brian Mast.


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