Alec Baldwin Takes Swig From Bleach Bottle In Fleeting Attempt To Mock The President – IOTW Report

Alec Baldwin Takes Swig From Bleach Bottle In Fleeting Attempt To Mock The President

UK Daily Mail

Alec Baldwin reprised his imitation of President Trump on the season finale of Saturday Night Live – this time with the Commander in Chief giving a commencement speech via Zoom in which he says he is honored to be the ‘valedictator’ while also drinking bleach to ward off the coronavirus. ‘

Congratulations to the class of COVID-19,’ Baldwin’s Trump tells the graduates of St. Mary Magdalene By-The-Expressway. More

26 Comments on Alec Baldwin Takes Swig From Bleach Bottle In Fleeting Attempt To Mock The President

  1. Hopefully the mindless idiots who watch SNL these days will follow Alexi Baldwinsikov’s lead and and guzzle a little bleach. Society needs to be cleansed of idiots, morons and malcontents.

  2. Yes Yes
    Desperate sad, sad, sad little men.

    Also, what about that Federal Judge acting like a little dictator still demanding the Government prosocute General Flynn?

    That black robed, unelected, POS DOES NOT represent or speak on behalf of We the People.

    Remember, the Alamo blow dry.

    An IOTW future midnight movie already in the can.

  3. Watched some of the show. Did not laugh once.

    Michael Che was actually Drunk and not acting. Disgraceful like Don Lemon party on New years Eve.

    Without a laugh track the dead air was very weird.

  4. So two weeks ago. Can’t possibly make fun of the real bumbling idiot, their presumptive nominee the creepy and sleep Joe who can’t find his way free of his basement. They’ll probably have to paint arrows on the floor like they have I stores to direct him out.

  5. PRESIDENT Trump didn’t say drink bleach but now that Alec Baldwin has on national tv many a gullible morons will follow his lead.

    He is pure faggotry.

  6. Seems like most comments on Daily Mail are pro-Trump these days, as well as other sites such as Yahoo LOL (recalling what POTUS said to the Yahoo reporter–what is Yahoo, nobody knows who you are including me!)

  7. ‘Alec Baldwin Takes a Swing at________ In Fleeting Attempt To Mock Himself.’ There fixed that one, whew…but not THAT really hard to do that.

    Sometimes the headlines ‘project’ themselves at ya.

  8. I thought SNL was where comedians/actors started there careers not ended them. It has been over 25 years since I watched SNL. I didn’t know it was still on.


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