Alex Haley Unpublished Bio “My Three Wives (and Five Mistresses)” – IOTW Report

Alex Haley Unpublished Bio “My Three Wives (and Five Mistresses)”

The famous author, of “Roots,”  Alex Haley turns out to have been a plagiarizer, a philander and a financial disaster, leaving $1.5 million in debts for his heirs to contest among themselves.


First the plagiarizer charge, in 1977 Haley was sued by white author Harold Courlander for infringement of his book “The African.” Haley settled for $650,000 (that’s $2.4 million in today’s dollars).

Then there’s the three wives and multiple mistresses that the author apparently juggled during his life time.



Apparently at the great man’s funeral in 1992, his first wife (Nannie Branch) showed up claiming they hadn’t been divorced. She and the third wife (My Lewis) were joined by up to five mistresses who al came for the big send off.

By the time all the challenges to the will were fought in the courts all of Haley’s papers, properties and what ever else of value was sold off leaving little for his survivors.

10 Comments on Alex Haley Unpublished Bio “My Three Wives (and Five Mistresses)”

  1. Most people have heard that one of the main characters in Roots was a slave name Kunta Kinte, but very few know that the first Black prostitute in America was none other than his sister, Renta Kunta.


  2. After this newest version of Roots, the nigs are going to be even more arrogant, militant, and outraged. How come they never have anything to say about Anthony Johnson, who was the first slave owner in the U.S.? Anthony Johnson was a black.

  3. Shame that fake black authors like Haley are adored by the media, but great black authors,economists, and doctors,and judges are shunned.
    Just an observation And the media are 90 percent progressive,liberal?
    When ROOTS came out, Haley was the bees knees with the New York Times. And those who questioned his bullshit were called racists.

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