Alex Jones Double Crosses the Double Crossing Media – IOTW Report

Alex Jones Double Crosses the Double Crossing Media

Alex Jones secretly recorded the interview Megyn Kelly did with him and plans on releasing it ahead of her broadcast.

I haven’t listened to one second of it, but I support Alex Jones for what he did. This is in no way an endorsement of any of the things he says in the interview, his ideas, his beliefs or his theories. This is an endorsement of smashing the use of politically charged content as entertainment, propaganda, ratings, and agenda-driven editing to paint the picture you want to paint after you’ve convinced your mark it was going to be entirely different. We’ve all seen it happen way too much, in all its glorious ratf*ckery.

There was a time when all we learned was what the media wanted us to learn. I’m happy that is changing.

Alex Jones, for all his bombast, his cherry picking of evidence when he wants to create a conspiracy theory, his massaged theories over time, his own agenda driven editing, has scored a major blow against the type of people who used to dominate information delivery. His site is aptly named – Info Wars. Whether he is the good guy or the bad guy, or both, is up for debate. But it’s good when a person pretending to be a good guy, in order to screw over a person they decided is a bad guy, is caught editing footage to satisfy their agenda.

Jones claims this happened. If Megyn Kelly lied to Alex Jones, pretending to be a friend in order to do her best to bury someone she doesn’t like, I’m glad he secretly taped her.

Now I will go listen and see if this story matches my intro. For all I know Alex Jones has pieced together a little agenda-driven propaganda himself. Who knows?

ht/ annie


After listening for a bit it is clear that Kelly lied to Jones. Her mission is to paint Jones in the worst light possible and then tie Trump to Jones.

The aim here was to use Jones in order to ratf*ck Trump.

30 Comments on Alex Jones Double Crosses the Double Crossing Media

  1. Yeah, I can see her doing that, actually. She still has that excruciating itch about Trump and she will end up scratching herself up until she bleeds from her eyes, her ears…from wherever.

  2. I’m no fan of Jones. Abrasive and obnoxious style. But he has broken real stories others were afraid to break. He’s got a better claim to “journalist” than self-serving dishonest propagandist Kelly.

    Glad he’s releasing these tapes. I hope Kelly’s career tanks. My wife, a real Journalist, despises her and hopes she’s sued into bankruptcy.

  3. Trust, integrity, journalist, not the words to describe
    Me-again Kelly or Alex Jones. Both have personal career enhancing agendas, both twist and turn Truth to fit their agenda.
    With that said, I have enjoyed listening and watching Paul Joseph Watson’s Videos produced by Alex Jones.

  4. Going foward anybody who is asked to do an interview with any major network needs to insist on having their own videographer there to tape everything. From phone conversations before the interview, to entering the building, the small talk, make up all the way to leaving the building and getting into the car. While awkward I suspect this alone will cut the bs in half and almost eliminate the networks trying to beartrap their guests (on both sides).

  5. One last thing. If Kelley did lie to and try to trap Jones into screwing over the President she’s likely to be hosting a gardening show on NBC until her contract is up if enough public support can be found to hammer at NBC for hiring a duplitious “journalist” who will be what the highest paying employer wants her to be. This will become a lesson to the others out there in newsland that they’ll never know when they’re being taped. Hell, maybe some honest journalism will be forced back into the system.

  6. I find it entertaining that Kelly’s career is getting all blowed to pieces, falling apart before it’s really started, making NBC’s $45 million contract with her a complete waste of Leftist money. Good. Couldn’t have happened to a bigger cadre of assholes.

  7. Well why not? they’d do it Alex Jones without batting an eye. Remember when Connie Chung doubled crossed Barbara Bush? What goes around comes around.

  8. Not a fan of Jones, cause he is just so out there. His Voice alone creeps me out.Sounds like it belongs to somebody else.
    He just go’s a little to far for my taste,an His commenters,
    are downright off the rails. Love Paul Watson.

  9. megyn kelly is a sneaky slimy despicable leftist shallow incompetent sniveling schittweasel. These media people like her live in their liberal lightweight bubble in which all politicians suck up to them — but when they get out of our pussified country and interview a real leader, e.g., putin, they get steamrollered and are made out for the mental midgets and frauds that they are. Putin DEMOLISHED this stupid bimbo, it was Godzilla v Bambi. She is a DOPE

  10. I tried, but 20 seconds of her lying voice was enough.

    I think my ear’s cochlear hairs are extremely sensitive to lies. Just the sound of her voice grates on my nerves and raises my spidey-senses as do the voices of all three Clintons, both obamas, lying Paul Ryan, senile McCain, batshit crazies Waters and Pelozi, Mr.Limpid Comey, Chucky the Clown Schumer, and the grand poobah of turtles, McConnell, and extremely wicked Jerry Brown.

  11. Jones puts out some very disturbing theories, but where exactly is he lying?

    Pedophilia, occult, False-flag attacks are awful to contemplate, but I want to pursue whatever the truth may be. If you don’t believe the Warren report, lots of people probably think you’re a ‘conspiracy nut’. However, if our government is capable of deception and murder on that great of a scale, why would any other methods be out of bounds for them?

  12. Jones is loved here in Texas;
    we like Jim Marrs and John B Wells as well;
    they’re all TX boys.

    It’s Not the first time the corporate libtard
    media has tried to smear Alex..

  13. kelly is doing what cnn did with their muslim demonstration in London. They create the impression of the news that they want to be believed by the gullible public. Such is the state of journalism and MSM.
    If I’m not working, I listen to Alex almost daily, then Savage, then Levin, and finally John Batchelor. (right now I tend to like Batchelor best). I wake up in the morning, and I usually have an opinion.
    I’m glad Alex does what he does. Don’t always agree with it, but often he is the only one talking about certain things. And as far as predictions go, he is often right. YMMV

  14. I downloaded it and will watch. Alex is a sensationalist, so
    is the dumb ass blonde money freak hooker.

    They might be playing each other for money. This looks right out
    of the play book for the WWE.

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