Alex Jones Has a Video Game Now – IOTW Report

Alex Jones Has a Video Game Now


“First came Pacman, Donkey Kong, an Super Mario Bros,” Jones said in a promo video. “Now, the ultimate retro nostalgia throwback game. I present to the world, Alex Jones’ New World Order Wars!” More

Mark Dice reviews the game and gives an update on Alex Jones’ situation. Here

5 Comments on Alex Jones Has a Video Game Now

  1. Info War has about 45 days unless Alex gets an infusion of cash. The left has bled his organization dry. Not a huge Alex Jones fan, but there is a place for him on the spectrum and the left hates him with a passion.

  2. Fist came Pong. In the mid 70’s dad had a jukebox and poll table rental business. When Pong came out he bout 10 machines and put them in 10 different bars. He was having to empty the the coin hoppers every other day or they would jam full. When Pacman came out he hired a another employee, Donkey Kong added a fourth employee, and Galaga/Asteroids added a fifth. He sold out in 83 to a larger company as it to be to much for him to handle.


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