Alex Jones Is Back on Twitter/X – IOTW Report

Alex Jones Is Back on Twitter/X

AP News

Elon Musk has restored the X account of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, pointing to a poll on the social media platform formerly known as Twitter that came out in favor of the Infowars host who repeatedly called the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting a hoax. More

Alex’s account Here

10 Comments on Alex Jones Is Back on Twitter/X

  1. Can’t remember when, but there was video clip with Barry Soetoro himself stating Sandy Hook was only an exercise It was the communist news outlets that ran with the bogus story because Hillary once said no sense in wasting a good crisis.
    This was no tragedy, it was a government scandal. Even the drug companies with their evil never got a billion dollar lawsuit levied against them.

  2. Sourpuss, the billion has been whittled down to millions in a settlement. I think even the plaintiffs were a little embarrassed by the ridiculous original award. And when you read what Jones actually said and was being sued for, he shouldn’t have to pay any price except in the court of public opinion. That bullshit kangaroo court was completely rigged and out of control.

  3. I don’t like the guy.

    Sometimes shit floats on top and other times it sinks to the bottom of the bowl.
    He’s often wrong about many things and his main goal is $$$$.

    to each his own, but the lawsuit was ridiculous on many levels.

  4. To all the nitwits here bashing him I challenge you to watch his interview with Tucker Carlson. He’s a smart guy who knows more about our crooked government than any 10 people here put together.

  5. Of course mainstream slowtards are still running narrative he was booted because of Sandy Hook.

    It’s enough to know that if people like Piers don’t want him back that he should be back, and never booted in the first place.

    Piers Morgan
    Elon, you were right the first time about Alex Jones when you tweeted this – remember what he did to those poor Sandy Hook parents, purely to trade off their terrible grief with his vile lies…. and please don’t let him back.


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