Alex Jones yells at Rubio “Go back to your bathhouse” – IOTW Report

Alex Jones yells at Rubio “Go back to your bathhouse”


Republican Sen. Marco Rubio pointedly warned InfoWars host Alex Jones “I’ll take care of you myself,” during a stunning clash Wednesday ahead of a Capitol Hill hearing on social media.

The warning came after the right-wing conspiracy theorist interrupted an interview, heckling the Florida senator and patting him on the back.

Jones called Rubio a frat boy, a punk and told him to “go back to your bathhouse.”

20 Comments on Alex Jones yells at Rubio “Go back to your bathhouse”

  1. I’m with Jones. I found his rant, this morning, articulate — and informative. The MSM has demonized him a long time and I kinda believed much of it; ie, the Sandy Hook shooting never happened. Jones corrected that, but, over time (even if one tries to be independently discerning) the memes creep into your mind. Do we know the truth about TWA Flt 800 or 9/11, Obama’s birth and history?? Ask a question of the MSM press release accounts and you’re dubbed a conspiracy theorist.

    Today, the NY Times headlined: “Jerome Corsi (not noted researcher and author but) conspiracy theorist subpoenaed in Mueller investigation”

    Now, we can all do eye rolls and ignore Corsi, eh?

    I’m with Jones. I learned a lot this morning. ….Lady in Red

  2. If Marco didn’t even ‘experiment’ a little bit in high school and college, then how do you explain him being arrested with two other guys in a parked car in the middle of the night in a well known homosexual crusing area? (One of the guys arrested went on to stream gay porn from a suburban neighborhood. Got arrested for it.)

    Also that foam party photo DID look an awful lot like him…

    Finally, was it not Marco who started the whole ‘Trump has small hands thing’? Isn’t referring to a man’s hand size the gay way of saying that small feet = small penis? And vice versa?

    Just sayin’. I dislike Jones and think that he’s a kook, but I’m with him on this one. :b

  3. I listen to AJ quite a bit, and I support him in his lonely battle against censorship. He has said some things that he has retracted, but for the most part, he is quoted out of context and demonized. I don’t agree with everything he says, but he is surprisingly ahead of the curve on many matters. He regularly, and unkindly, criticizes some groups to which I belong, but we’re used to that, and will persist, as I hope he will too. Free speech belongs to all or it is not free.
    He is fighting a lonely battle that influences everyone- if not immediately, for certain farther down the road. And it would be a short road.

  4. Jones HATES swampers. I’m glad he escaped his cage for a DC attack run on these fookin vermin. And man he was champing at the bit to rip them all, even the old creepy commies yelling at him in the street, to shreds.

    No quarter Alex.

  5. Let’s see: I can’t stand Alex Jones but he doesn’t affect my life at all. Marco Rubio on the other hand is one of the corrupt career politicians who are ruining this country. So in the end I am good with this heckling.

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