Alexander Vindman Didn’t Get a Pardon and His Wife is Mad – IOTW Report

Alexander Vindman Didn’t Get a Pardon and His Wife is Mad

Wife of Alexander Vindman, the Democrats’ star witness for Trump’s impeachment, says her family wasn’t offered any pardons and she’s very hurt.

Is there something her family would need a pardon for….? •

The Trump admin should look into this.

20 Comments on Alexander Vindman Didn’t Get a Pardon and His Wife is Mad

  1. Speaking of the Military, did you see that stupid dame on NBC ask the question on how they were going to reinstate the soldiers with backpay for 4 years for not taking the shot. She must be too stupid to understand that Bidumb sent hundreds of millions of dollars to Ukraine that far exceeded a few thousands for soldiers.

  2. “Don’t think ‘Treason’ is pardonable.”

    My understanding as well. If that’s the case Milley needs to be recalled for duty immediately. And then charged with treason. In fact, I go so far as to speculate about 70% of the pardons that were passed out will not hold up due to treasonous acts.
    And Adam Kinzinger is just one giant piece of shit. Can he be charged for that?

  3. He was a disposable tool, he’d outlived his usefulness, and he likely didn’t have anything he could use as leverage to get himself a pardon. And the fucker deserves everything he’s probably got coming to him, and worse.

  4. To Vindman, et al:

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´

  5. How about Trump issuing an EO that negates all of Biden’s pardons based on his mental incompetence? Dems would have to sue. Exhibit one…first witness for Trump…Joe Biden. Put him on the stand.

  6. Vindman wasn’t doing Bidet’s bidding, he was a treasonist asshole all in his own right.
    Now he’s hung out to dry, all on his own.
    Couldn’t happen to a bigger blivit.

  7. No man stands with a traitor.

    Not even another traitor in a party of traitors.

    I hope your husband enjoys Mornay’s wages, chick.

    Might want to figure out what youre going to do while hes off getting ass raped in the Big House.

    You know, ass raped. Like he helped Democrats do to US.

    …believe me, chick, I dont wanna see your hubby in prision either.

    I’d MUCH rather see him HERE…

  8. …while we’re on the subject, maybe President Trump needs to create a new cabinet position?

    Office Of The Gallows has a nice ring to it.

    If things are done properly, the hangman will be the busiest person in all DC…

  9. Constitution of the U.S., Article 2, Section 2 (in part):

    …[The President] shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.

    I cannot find anything in that document that prevents the President from granting a pardon for treason (which is, after all, an “offense against the United States”).

    If there is something in the U.S. Code that applies, it seems to me that it would be unconstitutional if ever challenged.

    I wish it were otherwise.


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