Alexander Vindman Has Meltdown Over Schiff Censure, Calls Reporter a B*tch – IOTW Report

Alexander Vindman Has Meltdown Over Schiff Censure, Calls Reporter a B*tch

GP: Trump-Ukraine impeachment conspirator Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, USA Ret., had a meltdown Wednesday night over the censure of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) by the Republican controlled House of Representatives over his lies and deceitful conduct falsely accusing President Trump of Russian collusion. Vindman attacked Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Breitbart reporter Kristina Wong, calling Wong a “bitch.” more

17 Comments on Alexander Vindman Has Meltdown Over Schiff Censure, Calls Reporter a B*tch

  1. Both Vindmans are products of Political promotions and influence in the Army. They are representative of the de-masculinity of the Armed Forces of the United States. Many remain in the Military, Sr. Enlisted, Lt. Colonels to Generals.

  2. “And your deceptive efforts to damn & damage the valiant work of honorable men like @AdamSchiff will bare no fruit.”

    And this guy has a Master’s Degree from Harvard? It’s “bear” asshole.

  3. Brad, according to that doughy tub of goo, he was offered the position of Defense Minister of Ukraine. Probably a total self-aggrandizing lie, but it would be great to think of him shitting himself in a bunker in Kiev, wondering if the next Kinzhal had his name on it.

  4. I took this position LONG ago, not because I am an iota unAmerican.

    The long knives have been ready but have rust on them. Let’s roll indeed.

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