Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “Award” Winner! – IOTW Report

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “Award” Winner!

OK, not really.

26 Comments on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “Award” Winner!

  1. Most dejected in the Dumbest Female Lawmaker losers circle are Maxine W. and Mazie H. They were sure the polls were accurate indicating they had a large lead to win the prized award. Expecting a photo finish between the two of them. I’m sure they will double down with their efforts soon.

  2. If you go back in time to the days of the Berlin Wall, it didn’t matter which eastern bloc country or what you were trying to accomplish the person across the desk was hopeless and, and, and… you guessed it, the wall behind them was absolutely covered in awards. Basically the awards had to amount to participation prizes. Every Goddamned person in every position had awards coming out their ears.

  3. JD ~ you just described every minor bureauoweenie from every level of our present government, from local, to county, to state, to federal.

    they’re all like that … “Participation Award for attendance in the latest indoctrination class of Blue Pill Groupthink”

  4. A perfect example of a career politician:
    Slink into office due to a surprise opening in a overly left leaning district (NYC).
    Get lots of backing from corrupt organizations (justice democraps)
    Lie about everything (winning an award you actually didn’t).
    Continuously pander to your stupid electorate (i.e. lie some more).


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