- Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says people would need to “start paying their fair share in taxes” to underwrite her “Green New Deal.”
- The freshman congresswoman suggested the tax rate for the wealthiest Americans could be set at 60-70 percent.
- The “Green New Deal” includes generating all of the nation’s power from renewable sources and eliminating industrial greenhouse gas emissions.
“You know, you look at our tax rates back in the ’60s and when you have a progressive tax rate system, your tax rate, you know, let’s say, from zero to $75,000 may be 10 percent or 15 percent, et cetera,” she told “60 Minutes.”
“But once you get to, like, the tippy tops, on your 10 millionth dollar, sometimes you see tax rates as high as 60 or 70 percent. That doesn’t mean all $10 million are taxed at an extremely high rate, but it means that as you climb up this ladder you should be contributing more.”
Tippy tops.
That is the problem with the ding bat socialists (free everything!) in the dem party. Even Obama and Kankles know you can’t actually kill the golden goose. What do you think will happen to the economy when S-Corp business partners are suddenly having to pay 70% plus state/local taxes?! Socialism – everyone is equal with nothing.
Mister Ed wants his teeth back. I want my country back.
Cortez is going to be the gift that will keep giving long after Nancy up and dies. But she has to do something about those Manson Lamp eyes.
Now, if she would do something with her hair, get a boob job and do her thing in a slinky red dress then we could enjoy the show for the next 10 years.
With the press this bint is giving herself she’s a shoo-in for higher office in the fast rising democrat socialist party. We may laugh but it should be a stark warning of things to come.
For chrissakes, you loony bitch, don’t compare yourself to me!
You and Eleanor both have matching sloppy-horse-choppers…she’s your gal. Now be off with you.
Tax folks at 70% and see how fast they go John Galt
…has anyone told this genius that, as of her “election”, she has JOINED “The Wealthy”?
…based on her response to being asked that “give up your salary for the shutdown” question, I’m guessing that the prospect of giving up 70% of HER money would likely have some actual IMPACT on what little mind she has for it to land on.
…it stops being funny when it starts being YOU, honey…
She’s a star as long as she doesn’t open her mouth and reveal the shallowness of what she thinks are radical ideas.
She admitted that rushing to 100% renewables would be socially and economically wrenching, but passed that off as just a minor side effect of her wonderful ideas.
The interviewer just accepted her sophomoric platitudes without follow ups. And the talking heads back in the studio all nodded in unison about her stardom and radical brilliance.
She is as naive as she is deranged.
A dangerous fool in high offie.
War is coming.
…and here’s this problem with confiscatory taxes. You may get that money…
After THAT, well, rich folks have OPTIONS, yo?
Put another way,
One day in a bleak, dark future, lets say Cortez GETS that tax increase. They go to “the wealthy”, say “you guys need to pony up for the good of the Planet”, and take 70% of “the wealthy’s” money.
Pretending for the moment that it isn’t all stolen by Democrat corruption, in Year 1 they begin building lofty Government buildings, opening massive Government bureaucracies, and hire umpteen thousands of idealistic millennials to staff them.
Then year 2 rolls around.
They go to the wealthy, and say, “Hey, where’d all you guys go? What do you MEAN, “Tax Exile in Monaco”?
See? Options.
…I’ve also heard it said that some people are SMART with money, and some people are STUPID with money, and that if you were to take ALL the money from the smart people and give it to the stupid people, the smart people would have it all back, and more, within a year.
Maybe by being “green” contractors and Democrat apparatchiks, in this case.
…one way or another, your crap will NOT work. It never has, and never will.
The only question is, how many millions will have to die in THIS attempt. The only REAL consistency in the implementation of Communism, is that it kills LOTS of people, and then STILL doesn’t work…
There is some awful rich co-workers that might take exception to that.
Somethings not right when they try to do that to us. I can’t vote for or against the fools, yet their stupidity affects me and mine. Someone above suggested war is coming. Maybe so, but some timely use of rope and a lamppost might stay that event for a time.
Ahh here comes the lamprey party of parasites,
If she gets on her Tippy Toes, she can see Venezuela from her house….
Somebody should ask her to lead the way by example and how she would feel about that.
Let’s see buck tooth, what’s 70% of 170,000? I’m waiting.
Also they won’t stop with the rich, it’s the middle class they want.
The poor pay no income tax now in fact get money back they did not pay in.
I do believe the rich would be willing to pony up some money.
So they could seal her with her ideas in a clorox bottle and throw it into the Gulf Stream.
Ammunition and high cap mags are still relatively cheap. Stock up now. Get the firearms you’ve been putting off getting while they are still available.
Start with Buffet, Gates, Soros and Zuckerberg.
For everyone but her, right?
She won NY-14 with 78% which makes them all in. So I say she should pass law to beta test all her ideas on NY-14 just to prove how wicked awesome they are.
If she were to ask the IRS for the breakdown of the number of people in each taxable income decile and run a few numbers, she would realize that her tax proposal wouldn’t come anywhere close to paying for even 10% of the cost of her spending proposals.
Not only will she NEVER do that, she isn’t smart enough even to understand the concept behind the question.
And as she ducks this one, hit her with “dynamic scoring”.
At the very least, people who come in contact with her should repeat to her over and over and over, “When you increase taxes it changes people’s behavior, and not in a way you would like.”
Man, I wish there was more than one incoming freshman congressman.
She’s a natural born little dictator.
Thanks New York. America appreciates you unleashing this lunatic on the nation. I hope that dumb ass Cuomo taxes the shit out of all of you.
Lot of talk here but not much will change. Duped trad-con white boys will still answer the “Man Up!” call and overburden themselves and give their lives over to their enemy’s causes. Just watch. 60 hours a week, 50 weeks a year for 45 years is what ‘real men’ will work. Most of it goes to paying for leftist horseshit.
In Re
Occasional Cortisone
The more she keeps her mouth shut
the more she’ll be tolerated
Otherwise she will VANISH
you know what ELSE floats?
Just like with Senator Obama, who is the puppet-master with his hand up her ass and making her mouth move?
You know damn well this googly-eyed, buck-tooth bitch isn’t dragging these hair-brained ideas out of her own empty head.
Get back behind the bar, honey, and make me a strawberry daiquiri.
Can’t argue with your sentiment Sylvia, but it’s spelled “harebrained”.
Make that TWO strawberry daiquiris, Alex.
Better yet, a 75% tax on all getting a salary of $174,000 and keep everything else the way it is.
If she gets her way, unless there’s some loophole in the tax code Barack Hussein O, the man who endorsed her, will be one of those “tippy tops”. Tax increases don’t play favorites, you moron.
Boston University needs to serious reconsider their Economics and International Relations program or is that how they teach Marxism today?.
Correction: Ocasio-Cortez only minored in economics. Her degree was in International Relations.
Sounds like she spent more time on “international relations” in the back seat of a Prius than she did in the classroom.
AOC’s bj is likely a “bite job.” Ouuuch!
It would be a real sevice to the species if the idiots who voted for the moron ACO were sterilized.