Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Unchained, Guarantees Republican Electoral Domination – IOTW Report

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Unchained, Guarantees Republican Electoral Domination

I recently had a debate with a Twitterjerk who said that the GOP has gone so far radically right they’ve become unelectable. (Always look for the left to project what they fear about themselves onto others. It’s part of their DNA.)

Here is how I responded:

Party platform –

-we deplore efforts to divide us into ethnic groups

-vigorously and aggressively rebuilding our military to be mightier than that of the Russian and Chinese

– a strong civil defense to protect AMERICANS

-end the gross waste in Federal expenditures

-bringing in added Federal tax revenues by expanding the economy itself

-helping industries affected by unfair trade balances

-tax incentives for industries affected by unfair foreign trade

-trade deals that benefit the American worker

-reduce the burden of taxes

-the right for businesses to compete in a fair arena, free from monopolies

-restore fossil fuel energy, particularly getting oil from shale

-investment in nuclear energy

-invest in the expansion of the suburbs

-invest and expand air travel

– opposing communist aggression

– boastful recitals of American accomplishments & material riches

I asked the dope what was so radical about these planks in the platform.

They never responded directly to the list. They simply tweeted back asinine links talking about the Mueller investigation. The smartest thing they ever did was avoid stepping into my trap. They didn’t do it through guile, they did it by accident because they just bleat what is programmed onto the 5 inch tape loop in their empty skulls.

What’s the trap?

Every plank listed above is from John Kennedy’s democrat party platform for 1960.


So, you tell me. Which party has become radical and unrecognizable?

The democrat darling, Ocassional Cortex, would issue a full-throated rebuke of each and every one of these planks. Republicans would applaud nearly all of them.

What is it the democrats stand for? Well, we are creating a post that will lay it all out. 

When we’re done, no reasonable moderate democrat, with a conscience, will be able to read it and then pull the lever for these kooks.

Thank you Ms. Cortez.

28 Comments on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Unchained, Guarantees Republican Electoral Domination

  1. You can see dozens of man on the street interviews to get an idea of just how uninformed they are about issues. They are easily manipulated by some emotional phrase and react instantly to prove how deeply they care. What makes it tough is that with them it’s a emotional issue and they refuse to listen to facts. That is why someone like Cortez is so appealing to them. Dumb sheep, but they vote.

  2. You’re exactly right gin blossom. Nailed it.

    You can’t use logic on these people.

    Which is why I always say you have to trick these people. Use emotion on them. They don’t understand facts. Take whatever they say or do and twist it.

    AOC is a prime example. All you have to do is say Cortez stole NY’s 3 billion dollars.

    Sit back, light a smoke. It’s all hilarity from that point as they try to figure out what the hell Cortez did. (It’s a no win situation for their brains)

    If she stole it, that proves the green new deal is a scam that cost the city money. If she didn’t steal it, that means the green new deal is a scam that cost the city money.

  3. I follow Bryan Dean Wright on Twitter. He’s a former CIA officer and registered Democrat. But he’s a JFK Democrat. And he is beside himself over the naked embrace of socialism coming from the Democrats now. The fact is, they’ve been socialists for years and years. The only difference now is they are saying that quiet part out loud. And while the Millennials who populate Twitter might be on board, I think a lot of traditional Democrat voters — and the suburban women who jumped aboard the Blue Wave last November — who didn’t know the quiet parts, aren’t particularly amused.

  4. Nicely played Fur.

    Sadly, the conspiracy of the education system, K-16 (i did that on purpose as kollege is merely a continuation of the same indoctrination), combined with pop kulture and news media have created a group of people incapable of critical thought, cowed into submission and only capable of repeating party authorized talking points. Throw in their penchant for totalitarianism and our national socialists are every bit as dangerous as the National Socialists in Germany in the 1930s. They’re violent and hateful and zombie like followers of wild eyed lunatics.

    When there are people so mindnumingly stupid that they think there are 57 genders, the rational amongst us don’t even know where to begin in a conversation.

    So we don’t even try.

  5. Gin Blossom — “Dumb sheep, but they vote.”

    That would make a great bumper sticker for them: “I’m a dumb sheep and I vote!”

    Perhaps a gift idea.

  6. I had a debate with an ardent liberal the other day. My main points were: 1) Most people that say they are socialist are not because, although you are free to practice socialism in this country, no one is practicing it. 2) The only real socialists are people that live off the efforts of others by the point of the government gun. 3) It’s not really about socialism it’s about power over others. Needless to say I wiped the floor with him because he only had the worn-out arguments. When he entered the debate he was a soft-spoken mild guy. When I zeroed over the target the guy’s head exploded and he yelled at the top of his lungs “YOU’RE INSANE!” I was exhilarated for the rest of the day.

  7. @kevin @ginblossom

    Y’all are onto a great bumper sticker idea, I think.

    Capital D with a circle around it, like the Democrat’s logo.

    Dumbass sheep vote. You’d better too.

  8. I remember reading about Shale being mentioned as far as the 1600’s in Europe.
    Maybe late 1800’s in the US. Fracking has been happening for a very long time.
    The way libs are crying about it, they think it started 10 years ago and it’s killing everyone since. LOL

    One of you commenters worked in oil. Let us know the deal, please.

  9. This goes back to 1982.

    Fracking has been going on for longer. It was being done in Prudhoe Bay in the 80’s when I was up there. And it was done elsewhere well before that.

    Fracking, oil shale, and technological advances like horizontal drilling have us where we are now. We can now drill a mile or two horizontally through the pay zone, as compared to drilling straight down and getting maybe 100 feet of pay.


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