Alexandria Ocommunist Cortez – IOTW Report

Alexandria Ocommunist Cortez

Here’s some more vermin.

This guy—>AveryBigBear

AOC, Steve Scalise Twitter Debate Ends Abruptly When AOC Supporter Tweets ‘She’s Got Better Aim” Than Man Who Shot Scalise

32 Comments on Alexandria Ocommunist Cortez

  1. The commies are here!
    The commies are here!

    I find it interesting that liberals cannot be embarrassed or shamed.
    Shoot, I’m embarrassed to admit that I actually know some.

  2. It might be better that the professional democrat tantrumists have the stage, rather than the professional republican glacialists, going into 2020. Trump has the perfect stage set for him.

    The democrat House will achieve nothing other than to
    alienate the last of the fence sitters.

    I suffered through 8 years of Obama. Two years of the Pelosi Congress will fly by and reveal to JFK Democrats that their offspring get a well deserved and long overdue spanking. Then sent to bed without dinner.

  3. I’ve tried to avoid commenting on this skirt…… but I have to ask.

    Has anyone else noticed how much she’s aged? Yes, I suck for pointing this out but I don’t think she looks healthy. At all.

    Especially since the dancing vid surfaced. Literally looks like one of those before and after meth pictures.

  4. @PHenry – I really like your coinage of “professional democrat tantrumists“.

    In my head that sequed directly into tantrumpists.

    Another expression for somebody with TDS going batshit crazy is now, for me, somebody throwing a tantrump.

  5. She’s dangerous and not to be under estimated. Her followers have no problem taxing the “rich” which is everyone but them

    AOC should give 70% of her income to the government right now to show how serious she is about her Green Crap Program

    She should also refuse to use anything that is powered by anything but green energy.

  6. No, she’s not aging! She’s undernourished and starving to death, the poor girl. She’s on a high-carb, Democrat diet of fast, fake food which she shoves into her empty pie hole that’s directly connected to her rotting brain box.

  7. South Park nailed this about 10 years ago with the double episode ‘Go God Go’, in which Cartman goes several decades into the future to find that global religion is now several sects of atheism. The cause is Richard Dawkins – but the crucial catalyst is ‘Ms.’ Garrison (post sex-change) who as usual is enough of an asshole to push through any naysayers. This is exactly who Occasion Cortex is – she has zero interest in getting anything right, just shoving her agenda and controlling the outcome.

  8. …is that a hair net or is her hair line just seriously frucked up?

    Also, her teeth frighten the shit outta me, she looks like she’d bite the fingers right off of somebody.

  9. Look, all I know is Latinas go from being on the cover of Playboy in their 20’s to looking like California dancing raisins in their 50’s.

    The hell is that about?

  10. How long will she be around.
    The entrenched demorats can’t stand her
    and certainly will not obey orders from her.

    The entrenched Deep State runs DC
    And they WILL NOT tolerate a novice big mouth !

  11. Looks like she’s not gettin enough oats with her hay.

    Haven’t seen a smile like that since I watched Mr Ed when I was a little Galt back in the 1960’S.

  12. “What color is the sky in your world, Congresswoman AOC?”

    “At the tippy top, it’s Obama blue and further out is space like what’s in my head and stars like what are in my eyes.”

    “Wonderful!” *swoon*

    I imagine the interview will go something like that.

  13. I see yet another two millenials that never had their asses beaten down as youngsters. I’m talking about the kind of fight with blood, maybe teeth flying, getting sutured or hospitalized all for pissing off the wrong person. It’s a hard lesson, but you’re lucky if you learn it young when you heal faster.

    Ask us and we adults will fix that.

  14. I’m guessing that the ONLY two people who are glad to see her coming are her dentist and her dental hygienist. Everything is so accessible and easy to see. Neurologists need not apply…


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