Ali Alexander Explains How Kamala Harris Misappropriated the American Black Experience. – IOTW Report

Ali Alexander Explains How Kamala Harris Misappropriated the American Black Experience.


During the second night of the first 2019 Democrat debate, Kamala Harris attacked Joe Biden while claiming she was a victim of segregation in America.

Prominent conservative Ali Alexander exposed Harris’s misleading and false claims on Twitter.

“Her family does not descend from American slaves,” Alexander wrote. “Not even post-slavery blacks. She’s Jamaican and Indian. Berkeley bussed as an experiment. BUSD was never segregated.”

Alexander further amplified the truth that Harris’s Jamaican father has admitted his family descends from slave owners.

“She is no daughter of Black American slavery, the Civil War or even Jim Crow,” Alexander wrote. “She is a first generation American running a con on Black voters.”


ht/ hot salsa

12 Comments on Ali Alexander Explains How Kamala Harris Misappropriated the American Black Experience.

  1. The “Progs” just can’t help themselves. They open the pie hole flap the tongue causing foamy lies to be expelled. When they are caught in those foamy lies, they always play the “Race Card”, like it’s a get out of jail free card of Monopoly fame, so they can continue to spew more foamy lies.

  2. maybe she can get the address from warren and then she can do a DNA test.

    at the least, she’s an anchor baby who moved with her mother to Canada at age 7 and stayed there until after High School. I really don’t understand why all the yearbook pics from berkley are flying around- harris was schooled in Montreal.
    she’s a lying liar

  3. Kaamala Harris speaks with forked tongue…
    She did not play a central part in California’s civil rights movement,
    Despite her active dream life.

    Miss spellling intentional!


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