All Gun Violence Data BETO Spews is False – IOTW Report

All Gun Violence Data BETO Spews is False

13 Comments on All Gun Violence Data BETO Spews is False

  1. I’ll have to check out for a while until the clown car/short bus becomes a limo with a single occupant. Beto won’t be in the limo. Neither will Creepy
    Joe and the others. It’ll be fauxcahauntus.

    Focus on her. Destroy her. Make hwr eat lunch out of bowls that used to be her kneecaps.

  2. He’s a panderer of the worst degree, just like the rest of the phony self-righteous, self-serving, self-promoting democrats. In other words he’s the false teacher/prophet that the Bible warns us about.

  3. Yep @stirring. You nailed it. O’Dourke won’t even earn a Wikipedia asterisk. An unaccomplished zero of a carbon based life form that once strolled about the planet spewing bile. An inconsequential being that made noise.

    File him next to the guy who kisses his husband every chance he gets. What was his name again?
    Butt something.

    The jokes write themselves.

    Keep them coming Democrats.

  4. “Gun violence.”
    “Gun violence?”

    It’s kinda funny (not really) but I went out and bought a AR-type rifle, mounted a scope to it, and placed it by my back door. I’ve never fired it (in the earnest desire that it would then get the sweats and want to fire itself) but it has (so far) never snuck out to waylay passers-by or to attack schools or to shoot up theaters.
    It may be that my rifle is just plain lazy (it IS black) or it may be that it has no gumption, but I believe (think) that it has no volition. I even bought it some of that green-tipped ammo – but to no avail.

    Oh well.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @Tim

    If guns were really the problem of murdering people, then the person holding the gun could only be charged as one who aided and abetted the real criminal, the gun.

    Due process those bastard criminal guns. Arrest them, print them, get them public defenders and then in front of the jury of their peers, make them reenact the crime.

    Give the gun as much time as needed to get its ass up off the stand and reenact the crime with dummy ammo, to protect the courtroom from that killing son of a bitch!

  6. We have 342M people in the USA.
    We have 420+ M firearms in the USA.
    We have over 270M cars in the USA.
    We had 15,129 murders of which 10,982 were Firearm related murders in the USA in 2017.
    Doing some math means 99.99+% of all firearms are safe and NOT used in a Murder in any given year.

    However, there were over 40,000 Car deaths in 2018 in the USA. Which means you have a only 3.21 in 100K chance of being murdered in a given year by a firearm, but a greater risk of 14.81 in 100K of being killed in or by a Car. That 4.#X’s more by car than firearms.

    CDC fact: Firearms did not make the top 105 causes of death in the USA. It came in at 107 Assault (homicide) by discharge of firearms.

    But the push is on Gun Bans and controls not cars or the other 106 higher reasons of Death in the USA?

    Citizen owned Firearms, not cars, stand in the way of a Socialist dictatorship government and restrictions of basic right. Doubt this look outside USA borders and what do you see in Venies, North Korea, etc. etc. .


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