All-in on Black Lives Matter, US banks are all quiet on the China front – IOTW Report

All-in on Black Lives Matter, US banks are all quiet on the China front

WaEx: JP Morgan: “We will decline to comment.”

Bank of America: No response. Morgan Stanley: No response. Goldman Sachs: No response.

That’s how those four banks reacted to my question on Thursday as to their position on the new Chinese security law in Hong Kong and whether they are opposed to said law. The recently announced law gives effect to Beijing’s shredding of its treaty obligations under the Sino-British Joint Declaration and its subjugation of Hongkongers to mainland-style tyranny.

But in the banks’ response to my question, we see a rather striking dichotomy between the way in which major American banks are responding to the Black Lives Matter protest movement and Beijing’s war on human rights. Indeed, the dichotomy is so striking that only one serious conclusion can be drawn from it. more here

5 Comments on All-in on Black Lives Matter, US banks are all quiet on the China front

  1. Totally off-topic but I’m PISSED. Why can my Google put a Junteenth notification on my calendar that I can’t remove, but they didn’t say an effing thing about Flag Day on Sunday. Bastards.

  2. I refuse to do business with banks which is why I have belonged to a credit union since the mid 70’s. Banks that I’ve dealt with in the past have always hosed me while the credit unions have been financial lifesavers for me including the last time I refinanced my home loan a few years ago saving me $270 a month on my house payments. My first home loan was with Seafirst (remember them they’re Bank of America now) and I was never that satisfied with their customer service or how they treated me including selling my loan to other banks more than once. Banks can kiss my ass, credit unions rule.

  3. Look, they’re all in on the plot: there is an axis of the swamp, the left and the islamists. EVERYONE in the “government” is in on it.

    Remember, obama had 8 years to purge the government and seed it with the scum coming out of the woodwork. China paid the bill.

    When you lose Sessions and Mattis – and even Roberts – you know it’s over.


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