All-Male, Black College to Admit Transgenders – IOTW Report

All-Male, Black College to Admit Transgenders


The country’s only all-male historically black college will begin admitting transgender men next year, marking a major shift for the school at a time when higher education institutions around the nation are adopting more welcoming policies toward LGBT students. Leaders of Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, tell the AP that its board of trustees approved the policy on Saturday. Transgender men will be allowed to enroll in the school for the first time in 2020. Students who identify as women but were born male cannot enroll, however, and anyone who transitions from male to female will not be automatically eligible to receive a degree from the institution.

Morehouse officials hailed the move as an important step toward a more inclusive campus while affirming its mission to educate and develop men. “I think Morehouse having the courage to speak to issues of masculinity in today’s environment is important,” says Morehouse College President David Thomas.


30 Comments on All-Male, Black College to Admit Transgenders

  1. Making the Morehouse degree even more worthless than it already is if that’s even possible. I worked with several Morehouse graduates in the past. Honest, competent people rightly regarded the degree from there as worse than worthless. I’m sure I’m racist for saying so, but the “graduates” I worked with had not the slightest idea about anything when it came to being competent at their jobs or having any business acumen. But they had a degree from somewhere.

  2. so open minded,,,,
    The country’s only all-male historically black college will begin admitting transgender men next year, marking (marketing ?) a major shift for the school at a time when higher education institutions around the nation are adopting more welcoming policies toward LGBT students.

    ‘anyone who transitions from male to female will not be automatically eligible to receive a degree from the institution.’

    So, as long as the check box as Male/Female not entered on the application is empty, things are cool?
    Hopefully Chris Rock will check in on this one,,
    See’s a Justin “Jussie” Smollett honor degree already in the works,,,

  3. Hilarious.

    We’re due for the societal crash, so might as well laugh about it and call out the clowns who will be kicked to the curb.

    Obamas enduring legacy of his closet homosexuality.

  4. The school’s new mascot will be Billie Holiday and the school song “Strange Fruit.”

    Might as well change the name to “Morehead” while they’re at it.

  5. “I think Morehouse having the courage to speak to issues of masculinity in today’s environment is important …”

    A meaningless word salad that hints of something being, somehow, “heroic” in participating in a farce.

    If that is an example of the “reason” which comes of a Morehouse “education” then they should, most assuredly, admit “transgenders” to their institution.
    Along with Unicorns, Leprechauns, Banshees, Fairies, Sprites, and Homunculi.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “Hey! You’re getting your penis in my identity politics!”

    “Well, you’re getting your identity politics on my penis!”

    (They taste)

    “This tastes like shit on a penis!”

    “Yeah, let’s not do this!”

    (Apologies to antique Reece’s commercials)

  7. …does this mean they’re going to change the name to “‘Michelle’ Obama Morehouse Memorial College”?

    …might as well “honor” the nation’s most prominent Black transvestite homosexual liberal while you’re at it…

  8. cheyenne bodie
    APRIL 14, 2019 AT 6:38 AM
    “Lets send all the illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities and all the trannies to morehouse college.”

    …but where do we send the illegal immigrant transvestites? Asking for the “Obamas”…

  9. “So I can’t wait until the admit a man who thinks he is Napoleon and demands a horse”

    …Harvard already beat them to that,@Stop2think, when they admitted a Kenyan going by “Obama”..

  10. Oh Yeah, this is going to work out because we all know how accepting Black males are of tranny’s and gays of whatever stripe. The Morehouse campus cops are going to be busy. Likely the coroner as well.

  11. All the Demoncrat socialist can be the first to empty their bank accounts and pay for the hormone therapy, mutilation surgery, and then the recurring rounds of both because the mentally challenged transgenders won’t figure out who they are. No one has any business being in the military if they have no idea who the hell they are.


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