All of a Sudden “Ballots and Votes” Piece Banned from Social Media – IOTW Report

All of a Sudden “Ballots and Votes” Piece Banned from Social Media


five days after our post-election review of the difference between ballots and votes, and within minutes of the controversial Arizona governor contest being announced by DHS media outlets, suddenly any discussion about “Ballots -vs- Votes” is considered a risk to democracy. More

7 Comments on All of a Sudden “Ballots and Votes” Piece Banned from Social Media

  1. Socialist Media is the thug enforcer of totalitarianism.
    The totalitarians cannot allow even a glimmer of truth – for that would illuminate their entire sordid conspiracy and bring their pernicious edifice crashing to Earth.
    A polity built on lies, deceits, dissimulations, prevarications, mendacities, evasions, and deflections cannot endure.

    “And so castles made of sand
    Fall in the sea eventually.”

    Their purpose is to undermine the Republic – to force us to see the sham – to force us to accept their illusion. And they’re doing a pretty good job of it.

    Their mortal fear is our awakening and hanging them all.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Election deniers are mostly white-privledged MAGA donors/voters who want to stop abortion, binary pronouns, illegal immigration, and Democratic Donkey pox from spreading thru out has been America.

    Who cares? we can make enough votes to render them irrelevent….official DNC statement.

  3. One thing that is for sure and for certain is that any claim that something regarding Democrat election fraud is misinformation shrinks to insignificance the instant it is banned from social media.


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