All of a Sudden The Left Sees a Host of Messes Obama Left Behind – IOTW Report

All of a Sudden The Left Sees a Host of Messes Obama Left Behind

Chicago Paper Implores Trump To Solve Yucca Mountain Mess Left By Obama


The Chicago Tribune’s editorial board implored President Donald Trump Tuesday to clean up the nuclear waste storage debacle left by former President Barack Obama.

Obama helped former Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid to derail plans to store nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Without Yucca, nuclear power plants don’t have a permanent location to store spent fuel and left the federal government with $50 billion in legal liabilities.

“Many people in Nevada didn’t want the waste, no matter how safe or isolated the storage facility may be,” the editorial board wrote. “It was the ultimate NIMBY [Not In My Backyard] project. One of those opponents, alas, was Harry Reid, who for 10 years was Senate Democratic leader and in a position to get his way. As president, Barack Obama gave Reid exactly what he wanted, closing down the entire effort.”



19 Comments on All of a Sudden The Left Sees a Host of Messes Obama Left Behind

  1. Nevadans didn’t complain as the DOE pumped a billion dollars a year into their economy while Yucca was under construction.

    I have some more information that isn’t public. Not confidential, just not public.

    I worked there

  2. When I was a kid, we camped a lot. At that time the bathroom accommodations were outhouses, if you were lucky. I remember one that was so full, the shyte pile was above the seat.

    We have only seen the tippy top of the shyte pile that obama left smoldering for America to clean up.

  3. There is no satisfaction in saying “We told you so”. Everything Obama touches turns to shit. As Mighty Mojo said, we have only seen the tip of the shit pile.

  4. Makes me wonder who was the last person to use that outhouse.

    It would be wonderful for the nation if Yucca Flats was reopened and used how it was intended to be used.

  5. I have always said that a huge part of the problem here is that Reid encouraged characterization of this site as a “dump” that was going to house “waste”. It’s a repository, NOT a dump. And it’s NOT waste. It is spent nuclear fuel that could be reprocessed if we would stop letting people like Low-Tech Harry Reid make decisions grounded in politics rather than science.

  6. Nuclear waste should NOT be stored at Yucca Mt, or anywhere else. It should be REPROCESSED into fuel again. That’s economic and safer.

    But Yucca Mt would be the PERFECT repository for human waste:
    corrupt politicians, recidivist career criminals, muslims, liberals, all fake ‘journalists’…

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