All the Best Dressed Tanks Wear Cope Cages This Fall on the Battlefields of Ukraine – IOTW Report

All the Best Dressed Tanks Wear Cope Cages This Fall on the Battlefields of Ukraine

The Warzone

Cope cages first appeared on Russian armor just prior to the all-out invasion of Ukraine in late 2021. The ad-hoc solutions (or attempted solutions) to different threats to armor, which continue to evolve as the war drags on, are now a more regular accessory for armored vehicles as the Russian defense show indicates. They are also something that Russia is keen to market to foreign customers, who have no doubt been watching developments in the war in Ukraine with great interest. More

Now Ukraine has adapted the same ad hoc overhead protection on their western built tanks because of drones. Here

While the usefulness of these adaptations seems questionable (see “turtle tanks”) the future appears particularly short as various nations work on anti-drone counter measures to protect their armored vehicles. This video provides a nice overview of the evolution of tactics and countermeasures in the aerial anti-tank war in Ukraine. Watch

3 Comments on All the Best Dressed Tanks Wear Cope Cages This Fall on the Battlefields of Ukraine

  1. FPV Kamekazi drones there today, here tomorrow… to light up your car or your house! If some of these imported terrorists don’t alreaady have them, they will soon and we’ll only have the democRATz to blame for it!


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