All The Candidate’s Accusers – IOTW Report

All The Candidate’s Accusers

There are a total of eight women who have described how the presumed nominee for the democrats to run for president, Joe Biden, has behaved inappropriately with them.

PJ Media gives a short review to each. Here 

12 Comments on All The Candidate’s Accusers

  1. But Biden is leading in the pols… Yeah riiiiight!
    There’s nothing wrong with that moron that an expensive operation can’t prolong!
    Aaaaaaaannnnd the Complicit, Bought & Paid for Flying Monkey Media Circus, in lock-step with phantasm and evil, just keeps on promoting him!
    You can tell by the smell,
    that yer “news” has gone to Hell
    And their monkeys keep flying along!

  2. Where are the tear filled “Leave Joe Alone” videos?

    That was a rhetorical question. I’ll tell you why. There is an internecine struggle going on within the Democrap Coalition, it is not a Party folks, it is a cobbled together coalition made up entirely of malicious, maladjusted malcontents and disaffected misfits, all with disparate priorities but a common goal of rejiggering America into each of their own version of Utopia.

    It is their version of the SS or KGB, the Antifa types, who are fueling this attack on Joe Biden. Conservatives want Trump to go toe to toe with the hairy legged old fool. The Democrap old guard is solidly behind Lunchbucket Schmo. The legendary Joe Plugs, slayer of Corn Pop is their man.

    The Young Turks, or I should say Young Jerks, the Antifa and wet nursing crybabies want Joe out. That is why we are not seeing the “Leave Joe Alone” vids.

  3. All of Joe Biden’s records from that time,,,
    Are stored in the family cess pool,
    Anyone can dive in for a look,
    Don’t the vicious dogs and bring a flashlight,
    The first two minutes are free.

  4. @DrRiff–I’m curious, how many of those women ever thought to kick him in the nuts? AND I’m curious if the (mostly) Republican/Libertarian women readers on this blog ever had a similar encounter with someone in power? I had two: both times I yelled “leave me alone!!” and got the hell out of there. What’s with this “freezing” thing? And the “I didn’t know what to do” thing? Folks: teach the young girls in your life what to do in cases like this.

  5. MerryMouse: Pervert Biden is the strongest argument right now for the Second Amendment and women to be armed. Not saying it is the only solution, but the mindset and the capability come in handy in avoiding being a victim.

    Who wants women disarmed and vulnerable? The Democrats. Think about it, ladies.

  6. Braden Lynch is right. But it’s not an option if you’re a kid. I am really incensed at the parents in those Creepy Joe Biden photos, smilin’ and yuckin’, and not protecting their girls! Only one little girl had the presence of mind and fortitude to elbow the old pervert when he started roaming his hands down her chest. I think her Dad was the incoming Colorado Senator. AND I think they were Republicans. Wonder what she’s doing today? Bet she will never be a victim.


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