Alleged Serial Pooper Defecates in Aisle Near Chelsea and Hillary Clinton at New York Theater – IOTW Report

Alleged Serial Pooper Defecates in Aisle Near Chelsea and Hillary Clinton at New York Theater

Jerry Manderin calls it the greatest headline ever written ^


An alleged serial pooper reportedly dropped a fat, smelly turd in the aisle near where former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was sitting alongside her daughter at the Shubert Theater in New York as they were watching a performance of Some Like it Hot.

The disgusting incident reportedly occurred prior to the show’s intermission, with sources telling Page Six it was either a one-off incident or a regular occurrence from a serial pooper.

“Last week when Hillary and Chelsea Clinton were in the audience,” said a source. “The lights came up for intermission and there were two human turds in the aisle just near the famous political duo. The house crew dealt with it very appropriately and quickly, and Hillary and Chelsea remained in the theater for the second act.”


37 Comments on Alleged Serial Pooper Defecates in Aisle Near Chelsea and Hillary Clinton at New York Theater

  1. looking at this wrong … I find it unlikely that anyone could penetrate the private, Secret Service, FBI, hordes of synchophant reporters, and suffocating aura of evil to be able to get anywhere NEAR the same Butcher of Benghazi that once campained with thugs holding a rope line around her AS SHE WALKED DOWN A PUBLIC STREET, let alone be able to dump without notice.

    I think its MORE likely that one or both of them either shit or threw up in the aisle (the sane thing comes out both ends on these), and all of the above simply ignored it and went on to tell the now-habitual covering lie.

    Nothing these people EVER say is the truth.


    They are simply not capable of it any more…

  2. @SNS I’m treating it as fake news. However, I wouldn’t put it past the SS to take a dump wherever they choose. Maybe they did hoping the two turds themselves would step in it.

  3. ://
    copy and paste into your search app


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