Allow THIS To Become President? I Don’t Think So #NeverTrump – IOTW Report

Allow THIS To Become President? I Don’t Think So #NeverTrump

14 Comments on Allow THIS To Become President? I Don’t Think So #NeverTrump

  1. Sorry Thirdtwin, but American voters are by and large a bunch of stupid fucks.

    The proof will be if Trump wins, because people will go right back into “I don’t give a shit about my country” mode and they’ll bury their minds back into their iPhones and Dancing with the Kardashians.

    People haven’t suffered enough to really want to make a difference. The only time I’ll even consider that America really is ready for a change will be after a significant civil shooting war or 2nd American revolution runs its course.

    Until that day comes, the “Gimme Free Shit Society” is going to keep winning the “elections”.

  2. I’m so fucking sick of these #NeverTrump shitpickles! How do they think the Republicans will keep the Senate and House if the succeed in demoralizing the base? Could it be that the uni-party doesn’t care who control congress or the SCOTUS? If they manage to defeat Trump, what’s the point of even voting in 2018?

  3. Rep. Jim Jordan, the toughest congressman in U.S. history. Notice the cauliflower ear, he was a 2 time NCAA national champion wrestler at Wisconsin. He was the last person to beat John Smith, who is arguably the best American wrestler of all time.

  4. As has been said (written) Obola and Clinton are SYMPTOMS of what ails America, not, necessarily, the causes of those ills – though they do add to those ills rather than work to alleviate them – but that is part and parcel to the wholesale adoption of socialism/Satanism and all its accouterments (socialism is a subset of Satanism, as is izlam). If Americans aren’t prepared to jealously guard and defend their rights and privileges – because they’re Americans (no further rationalization is required) – then WE DESERVE to have those rights and privileges forcibly taken from us and bestowed upon the likes of the Clintons and Obolas and illegally invading rat-people and feral izlamic savages.

    What WE’RE not willing to PRESERVE AND PROTECT, obviously, isn’t worth preserving or protecting – because if WE’RE not willing to do it, why should anyone else? Does anyone truly expect maggot hirelings, who have no further loyalty than their immediate paycheck and their possible pension, to give a fuck what happens to this, or any other, country? The fucking scum infesting the SCROTUS, the Senate, and the House should have been a shrieking wake up call for the past 2 decades – but noooooooo – we all put our fingers in our ears and closed our eyes (real hard!) and wished – yes, WISHED – that someone, somehow, would come along and save us! But instead of getting saved, we just continue to get fucked.

    And we can’t figure out why?

    Hello? Is there anybody out there?

    izlamo delenda est …

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