‘Almost hysterical’: Colin Powell rips media coverage of ‘Russian bounty’ story, to Andrea Mitchell’s dismay – IOTW Report

‘Almost hysterical’: Colin Powell rips media coverage of ‘Russian bounty’ story, to Andrea Mitchell’s dismay


Former Secretary of State Colin Powell called out the media for its “almost hysterical” coverage on reports of alleged Russian bounties on American troops.

Powell accused the media of overreacting to the reports as he discussed with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell how even military commanders were not as worried about the intelligence claiming Russians had placed bounties on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.

“What I know is that our military commanders on the ground did not think that it was as serious a problem as the newspapers were reporting and television was reporting,” Powell said Thursday. more

17 Comments on ‘Almost hysterical’: Colin Powell rips media coverage of ‘Russian bounty’ story, to Andrea Mitchell’s dismay

  1. Outside of TDS, I just don’t get why this is a big deal. War / armed conflict is ugly (understatement). Each party wants to kill the enemy. You reward people for working to achieve your goals. Paying people for killing enemy combatants is perfectly logical in these ugly circumstances.

    In the U.S. armed forces, people who do well at killing the enemy aren’t given bounty money, they’re awarded medals and commendations, for many a positive incentive. We (and I include myself) consider this honorable.

  2. Colin Powell made great sense about this subject in this interview, but then he went on to endorse Dementia Joe Obiden Bama for President, which made me recall that he’s only connected to reality when he’s speaking as a retired soldier, not as an unbiased politician. He was a great admirer of Osmidgen as well.

  3. Fence straddler Powell went on to denounce defunding the WHO among other initiatives of which he was involved..the INF Treaty, essentially saying the world has no confidence in us as the world leader.

    Yeah, I was po’d at my parents when they cut the purse strings too. They’ll get over it Colin. Maybe they’ll be forced to mature into adulthood and fund their own interests.

  4. John Lenin JULY 11, 2020 AT 9:19 AM

    what that pig Mitchell looks like without her wig.”

    …you think THAT’S bad, she’s said to have a maching merkin that almost killed Hillary Clinton one night, but sadly Huma knows the Heimlich…

  5. Marco JULY 11, 2020 AT 8:50 AM
    “Colin Powell made great sense about this subject in this interview, but then he went on to endorse Dementia Joe Obiden Bama for President, which made me recall that he’s only connected to reality when he’s speaking as a retired soldier, not as an unbiased politician. He was a great admirer of Osmidgen as well.”

    …he’s Black before he’s anything else. Any data that does not fit a Black confirmation bias is immediately rejected and denounced, and any candidate that does not fit the Black stereotype of Democrat panderer is automatically too racist for consideration.

  6. I don’t give an ounce of credibility to ANYTHING that comes out of NBC or their bastard child MSNBC. They are listed as members on the National Staff of the Biden campaign committee which is being run by Communist sympathizers! For example, remember Anita Dunn, the Lizard Lady? Yup, she’s listed as a “Senior Advisor”

  7. Anonymous
    JULY 11, 2020 AT 11:18 AM

    …All I need is the pic in the GP article to tell me guy is not only a liar, but SUCKS at it.

    …That so-called “oxygen tube” is a nasal cannula, possibly the most unserious of oxygen delivery devices. You can get, at best, a couple litres of 02 through it so you’re not getting a ton of supplemental oxygen to begin with, plus you don’t get ANY if you don’t breathe through your NOSE.

    People fighting for air aren’t gasping through their nose.

    This has a place with COPD sufferes and the like, where people just need a bit more to get their old, abused lungs through the day, but in emergent patients it’s kind of oxygen tokenism, more of a calming placebo effect than something that’s going to tip the scales between life and death, and certainly not what you’d be using for a severe respiratory crisis patient gasping his last as his Sp02 winds down and he’s getting too tired to breathe on his own.

    This guy probably doesn’t even have the oxygen ON.

    Can’t even say nice try. That one pic says it all.



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