Alternative for Germany Wants a Brexit for Deutschland – IOTW Report

Alternative for Germany Wants a Brexit for Deutschland

Financial Times

The far-right Alternative for Germany will push for a Brexit-style referendum on membership of the EU if it comes to power, its leader Alice Weidel said, hailing the UK’s exit from the bloc as “dead right”.

“It’s a model for Germany, that one can make a sovereign decision like that,” she said in an interview with the Financial Times.

Weidel, party leader since 2022, said an AfD government would seek to reform the EU and remove its “democratic deficit”, including by curbing the powers of the European Commission, an “unelected executive”. More

7 Comments on Alternative for Germany Wants a Brexit for Deutschland

  1. I like it! Gorbachev marveled that the Western Europeans would vote themselves into a Soviet Republic. Usually one must shoot their way out of the Collective, but after the Brits proved they could walk away, perhaps there’s hope for the good people of Europe.

  2. Better let them do what they want.
    They will otherwise take over ALL of the country
    or even ALL of Europe to get what they want.
    Remember the last time that happened?
    Be glad they only want their own enclave.

  3. “German far-right leader hails Brexit as ‘model for Germany’”
    The Financial Times must be a socialist rag to use the epithet “far right.”
    Someone should ask them to define “right” and “far right” instead of simply throwing them around.
    “Rightists” are Monarchists (by definition) but I have little doubt the Financial Times is implying that. My guess is that in the Financial Times lexicon “far right” simply means “bad” or “not part of the collective” or “opposed to WEF control” or “opposed to being overrun with rat-people.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. It would be a start, I reckon. But Britain is still a mess, even after Brexit. Maybe the root of the problem is within each European nation, and no amount of clawed-back sovereignty or Our Democracy can fix it.

    And then there’s NATO. Maybe getting out of the EU is only half the battle. Just a thought, Europe.


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