Alveda King: Bernie Sanders’ Population Control Will Target Black Communities – IOTW Report

Alveda King: Bernie Sanders’ Population Control Will Target Black Communities


A “population control” proposal pushed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will target “black and brown” people, unborn children, the sick, and elderly people, said Dr. Alveda King, director of Priests for Life’s Civil Rights for the Unborn project and the niece of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., in a Friday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Rick Manning.

During a Wednesday “town hall” hosted by CNN regarding “climate change,” Sanders accepted the premise of population growth on Earth being “unsustainable,” requiring government controls over procreation.

Sanders’s proposal, said King, reminded her of the 1973 dystopian science fiction film Soylent Green, in which overpopulation and poverty was addressed through euthanization of the elderly and processing their remains into food. read more

9 Comments on Alveda King: Bernie Sanders’ Population Control Will Target Black Communities

  1. We, as a people of this nation, have really sunk to the depths of deprivation if any of us think this retard Bernie Sanders has any social/human value whatsoever. This assclown has NAZI written all over himself. The Socialist Democrats have clearly devolved into freaking fascists. Keep a close watch on these people folks. They are very sick and dangerous cretins.

  2. We, as a people of this nation, have really sunk to the depths of deprivation if any of us think this retard Bernie Sanders has any social/human value whatsoever. This assclown has NAZI written all over himself. The Socialist Democrats have clearly devolved into freaking fascists. Keep a close watch on these people folks. They are very sick and dangerous cretins.

  3. “…Population Control Will Target Black Communities…”

    Well, DUH! Ever since other White men killed a sufficient number of Democrats to free Black men from their plantations, Democrats have been looking for ways to use AND eliminate Black people.

    It’s what they DO. It’s what Planned Parenthood was FOUNDED for…

    “…Margaret Sanger started her first “family planning” clinic in New York — known as the American Birth Control League (ABCL) — in 1921. The ABCL changed its name to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942. Soon after, she initiated what was called the “Negro Project,” notoriously saying “[w]e do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.””

    …Democrats have done NOTHING but enslave, use, lie to, and try to get Black people to kill each other when they’re not trying to find ways to kill them THEMSELVES, while denying them their rights. This is why Black support for Democrats is as mystifying as Jewish support for Democrats, unless both groups share the same strong self-destruct impulse that, if they DO, was put there by Democrats…


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