Always Conflicting Emotions Watching Israel’s Iron Dome in Action – IOTW Report

Always Conflicting Emotions Watching Israel’s Iron Dome in Action

I love watching the Israeli’s pick off every Muslim rocket fired at them, humiliating them with each air burst. But I hate that they have to do this.

14 Comments on Always Conflicting Emotions Watching Israel’s Iron Dome in Action

  1. No one seems to object when muslims fire rockets at Israel, but if Israel were to respond offensively, then all media lights up condemning them for deliberately targeting “innocent” civilians. The media hates Israel, but for some reason loves the group that has been stuck in the 7th century and habitually beheads anyone who fails to follow their barbaric religion.

  2. If a time ever comes where rockets are raining down on American cities, that’s when I will begin to take action upon the people that allowed it to happen.

  3. But I love the smell of sulphur in the mornings…

    And why hate that they have to do this…what defend themselves??

    From hate? And Jealousy?

  4. Awesome! Excellent precision.
    I have no problem with self defense, especially for Israel. God has stated the consequences for attacking His nation;

    Holy Bible, NKJV, Genesis 12:1-3

    1. Now the Lord had said to Abram:
    “Get out of your country,
    From your family
    And from your father’s house,
    To a land that I will show you.

    2. I will make you a great nation;
    I will bless you
    And make your name great;
    And you shall be a blessing.

    3. I will bless those who bless you,
    And I will curse him who curses you;
    And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

  5. Suicide vests

    FTA:A senior Hamas commander and 9 children were killed in Israel’s response to the Hamas rocket attack.

    The Hamas commander was at an elementary school from which Hamas launched rockets into Israel. He was there teaching the children how to put on and push the button on their custom made suicide vests. That’s how Hamas works.

  6. I hate that ObamaBiden is sending them money to buy the rockets to shoot at Israel. Then I hate the hate (sounds weird) that is fueling thousands of years of hate toward Jews and anyone not like them who follow a death cult.


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